Quake 4 mod musiiic need

Well I sold my Q4 for 4€ and bought NWN2 for 40€. Yea NWN2 was and is great game.

But Quake4 had something and now it is here, well was for long time but still in development http://www.quakeunity.com/file=2563

Dose somebody know the song that plays at the bigining. I will give biiig hug for one who knows the song ^^

EDIT: Would be cool if there will come "same" video for ETQW
ETQW is dead! But
Sorry, but no bonus. MotB + NWN2 > NWN
wsw > Q3 > q4
hm, I may install Q4 again. is it still being played on pubs?
2 servers there I think. Only pickups are played.
Dont remember the pickup channel @ irc :(
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