interesting/touching movies

Hi, I'm in the search of more good movies like:

- dead poets society
- ben x
- inconvenient truth
- american history x (against hate/discrimination)
- Amadeus (mozart)
- Der Untergang
- La Haine
- Romeo + Juliet (Shakespeare)

the movie must have a REAL story/message/biography,
not a random action movie

English,French,German or Dutch

thanks in advance for comments
Memento, Good Fellas, Eastern Promises, He Was A Quiet Man
Villi Tusina 2
after investigating I discovered it: Cheaper by the Dozen 2, u fail
dead poets society: omg i love that movie :D
then you should watch american history x definitely
watched it like 10 times :D
oh, i guess you don't speak german

else i'd have had some stuff for you :(
i'm learning german at school

- der Untergang (hitler)
- Lola rennt
- Jeden seit der stille
- die fetten Jahre sind vorbei
- ...

tell me plz :)
you mean jenseits der stille?
well, that would have been one advice!

another one would be "Grüne Wüste", but it's hard to find... took me several months...
i'll try to find it
also seen: " Das leben der anderen "

ahh jenseits der stille idd
long time ago i saw it
with klara und die klarinette : D
true, it's a long long time ago... :)
Lol an Inconveniant truth doesn't have a REAL story.
gangbangers 4 , that rectum touch on the guy made me shed a tear :'<
the assasination of jesse james by the coward robert ford
donnie brasco
good will hunting
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