Dental Care

I haven't seen dentist for long time and I have some holes in my teeth. I was supposed to get em' treated back in army, but for some reason I never had time to go and see the dentist. Well I'm going to get my craphole treated next week and the only thing I'm really concerned about is the cost of it. I know it's expensive and I hope I won't have to give all my money away just to get my mouth cleaned up. But I also know that it's highly important to keep your teeth in good shape.

So, when was the last time you had your teeth treated and how much did it cost?
insurance pays for it here

i was actually there monday the dentist was "worried" about one of my fillings he thought there was a gap underneath still so he wanted to replace it. first time i ever got anasthetics in my mouth fucking annoying :P
i HATE syringes...

its like some kind of syringophopie!
it feels as if your entire mouth is enormous and heavy :D and gulping becomes near to impossible :X =(
well, i'm not really annoyed by the effect of the anaesthesia, but i fear the syringe
your fear to enter your emailadress on websites, you fear syringes, =O)) MAN THE FUCK UP :P
i'm not feared of exams though!
well, i never had any hole in my teeth...

the only thing i'd worry about would be their deadly syringes :(
Are you serious, never had a single hole? Unbelieveable :)
no, never

got some syringes into the mouth though, because i had some kind of operation there :(
umm 3months ago and for free xDDD
End of March. Costs: Nothing, because nothing was wrong with my teeth.
I'm getting fucking 3 dental operations a month, cutting away gums with scalpels n stuff (had an accident). The dentist pwns though, they have these awesome hot nurses.

Now, if you're smart, you just wait until ur insurance-policy changes again (nearly every year here in holland), and you take the maximal dental option, that way ur insurance will pay everything for you, cuz tbh it's fkin expensive to pay on your own...
i never had any holes in my teeth \o/

but when i was young, the dentist found out that most of my roots werent disolving xD I had only changed my upper 4 front teeth and my lower 4 front.... so he had to pull out all the remains!!!!
it took him 6 full sirenges to tranquilize my mouth to pull out the remaining 16 teeth xD it looked realy stupid having only 8 teeth left in the front of your mouth hahah!

... insurance covered it all :)
almost 2 1/2 years ago :( no time and way too lazy in the past... but i'll have to go soon although for now everything is still fine ;)
Quote KiLl3rBoY<3sol on 27/05/08, 21:54:36 PM | Reply

spree knows <3

2 weeks ago, had 2 cavities filled! Cost: nothing.
wtf was at the dentist few years ago lol
always brush your teeth 2 times a day no problem
What if some heavywight boxing champion fucks up all your teeth? Brushing your teeth twice a day wont help you in that case :D
lolol and what if not :<
well let's think.. NOTHING MAYBE=?
come to sweden, only 5000€
1 month ago
1 tooth removed kthx
@ january, a couple of days before my 18th birthday so it was free for the last time :_)
Last time in the army 2-3 years ago. But I have a time 6.6.2008, going to fix my front teeth because friend of my hit me on "Vappu" and I got some parts missing :(
try to get some new friends
He jumped on me for fun and I happened to have a beer bottle in my mouth, appararently it hitted me. Not quite sure, it was dark and we had been drinking for a while.
lol, "Vappu" somehow sounds like "Wacken". you know wacken? :D
Uhm, no I don´t. "Vappu" is a big fest here in Finland. Most of the students start to drink week or few days before it and rest of the Finland drinks on the actual fest-day.
It's free in the UK until you're 18, I think, the most you can get charged is just under 200 pounds for an NHS dentist. If you're private then it'll probably cost a lot more.

I haven't been for a while, and since it was my local one last time they just asked whether I was a student (college 16-18) to which I said yes, despite being over 18.

I need to get my eyes checked though, they've been quite bad for a while now.
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