SP3 & Accelfix.exe

Did you have any problems with disabling accel @ SP3 so far?

Because both ag0n & nVc here couldn't disable accel.

It just works fine without any problems since the day SP3 released 4 me:
image: 313rtqt
The manager could not even talk to us at the interval - he said we were bad.' - JOHN TERRY
is SP3 important? i'm still running SP2 , what's new about SP3
It contains all previously-released Windows XP updates, including security updates, out-of-band releases, and hotfixes released since August 2004.
There are reportedly 1,073 fixes in SP3, and various performance improvements.
is it still beta?
Officially released like a month ago and has been updated on Microsoft Download Center & Windows Update
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well tbh i disabled it after installing, checked now and its enabled again :XX
couldnt disable it easily

had to do it in protected mode, i guess this will work for all of you
Protected mode? oO i didn't even use Safe Mode tbh.
same here i think oO
Can you send me the Accelfix.exe?
What kind of accelfix is that? something new?
dno, only reg files. i was using it yesterday and i had a 50% acc after playing 1 1/2 hours!
What days you were talking about? i just went to the supermarket when you said that.
admin deleted the comment :c
I know, but what 5 days? because you replied to me.
you can only dl 15GB within 5 days. and i asked you when the 5 days are over ^^
I didn't even know about it, i mean that 'we' passed the download limit, but good job buddy i downloaded something like 700MB since the beginning of the week so the rest is you 4.xxxGB.
we haven't passed the limit (yet) :D
Oh so why do you speak about the 5 days before the time or you mean that we are just close to pass, btw is there any way to check that?

In the last 5 days you have downloaded 12618 MB.

edit: I asked you if you know when rapidshare will reset it to 0 because I don't know ^^
Yeah i see, i have no clue but i think every 5 days? you already had an account you should know this.
i know that they will reset it every 5 days. but when are they over? :D
I don't know, have you fixed your yesterday's problem with disabling accel? your last comment was about the error that you get and then i went to bed.
hm, I enabled accel again and then it was fixed. I'm using wcafix atm
'I enabled accel again?' why you had to enable and not to disable it?
because when it was disabled i received an error every time after booting my pc
Your patch looks and coders explanation sounds very interesting, where did you find that? because i just never heard or saw that before.
ask h8m3 or abort
To ask h8m3 what? who gave or told you about that cheesemfix?
I'm talking about wcafix. i found the other fix @ ESReality.com
So is there any way to get it working on SP3? Howto do it in protected mode?!? :S whats that?
most probably because the WFP is updated.. they have to do it in safe mode or download the kernel accelfix driver (i suppose it's called wcafix)
no problems here
disabled without problems.
it feels so much more responsive, that's like shit lcd monitor + mouse @ 62hz vs crt monitor + mouse @ 1000hz, and i still cant get used to it because of it, but anyway it feels much better
Accelfix.exe can be applied to SP3 of course. The problem is that it doesn't work as it should once it's applied. I don't know why I'm the only one who keeps saying this but it's pretty obvious to me that the accelfix isn't working properly in SP3. It gives a shitty mouse feeling and makes it difficult to aim. Microsoft has changed the system files that the fix was intended to modify, ofc it's not going to work properly.

As for wcafix, i don't think that is any good. Due to the change in implementation it's not very responsive and there even seems to be a delay of some kind. Patching win32k.sys on disk (accelfix) instead of in memory (wcafix) seems better. Unfortunately since anir/aion has disappeared I'm stuck using the lame CPL mouse fix until something better comes out.
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