who uses PILLS at the exams?

Like 8/10 of the people takes pills when they're at university (news article)
Since I'm going to university next year, I'm wondering how you guys think
about the pills and their effects

A good example:

Dynarax: gives energy so you can stay up a whole night, it increases concentration and reduces the physical and intelligent fatigue...
imo drink enegry drinks
E are good but they leave you in a bad way the next day
Dipression & sadness.

coffee > *
hmm i prefer popcorn
RedBull > Dynarax?

Pills and powder = bad
If it comes from the ground it's probably sound
Your decision.The risks of brain damages are high imo.My drug is sports.Makes you feel much better and "cleans" the head.
i just use concerta to concentrate, cola, coffee and dno how u call it in english : grapesugar? :/
omg grapesugar haha =D
druivensuiker, hoe noemt ge da dan in het engels? :/
geen flauw id :p weet wel dat t redelijk helpt tegen n kater =O
a week before exam (or few days be4) do 2km a day, or 1km a day if you suck, drink up to 10 cups of water, drink some juice at each morning, eat around every 2-3 hours something (3 main meals + sandwich, fruits etc) sleep 9 hours a night and ur a tiger :P
yep, same here. Excercise to get the stress out of the system, eat alot and sleep alot :)
yeah to sleep long + eat offen is the best
yeah but dont eat crap :d
nono, i even dont drink coffee and coca cola :)
cold chocolate milk is a more effective stimulant for the brain imo
hmm really? :P
let me put it this way: i havent opened a single book now @ forestry uni, and i have passed 4/6 subjects so far (and they are hard), only by drinking cold chocolate milk
We both know that is utter bullshit. People like you make me fucking puke. They all go like " I haven't even opened my books, I know everything by heart, I'm a freeking genius.. look at me! " so they can impress people. 99 % of guys like you are actually the ones who end up studying the most...
I haven't even opened my books, I know everything by heart, I'm a freeking genius.. look at me!
yeah, research shows that choclate is effective before tests (but not those cholate with the load of craps inside it)
Cold chocolate milk is our shoko?
yeah but thats crap, regular choclate para > this
Ya, the best
Jew chocolate?
Elite chocolate <3
Looks like standard milk chocolate with a Israel Jew in the centre
Maybe with only jewish cow x'D
Dark chocolate.
Jaffa cakes = teh win!
pills? junkie :o
Why should you take such things? Im at university and i dont need anything of this.

Just make sports, drink some coffee's /coca cola xD
enjoy the stress, you'll do far better at exams if you don't take pills and find other ways to relieve yourself of stress.
i know what you mean with "other ways" ;p
Where can I try this Dynarax?
I've had sleeping problems so had to have all sorts of tests done to me but only came back with a small kidney problem.

I've tried taking 5 pro+ tablets with 8 energy drinks in a day (more than you're supposed to), some weird ass herbal drinks from Australia, other medicated shit, but nothing keeps me awake :(
sleep 9 hours, do alot of sport, make sure you are active( been on PC makes you weak, and sleepy ALOT) and drink ALOT too, all those energy shit are crap and works for short while
Been there done all that. Doesn't work.
I regularly go bike riding (long distance and downhill), plenty of 10-15km walks, sleep between 7-9 hours (which is more than average of your 'recommended sleep) and drink plenty of water/squash, so nope.
need to eat alot (2 hours per if you do massive excersize) and it is matter of time aswell too
disregard the faggot above me. fake ADHD, get prescription drugs and enjoy your productivity.
Xanors for me.
Wash them down with half bottle of koskenkorva.
Helps me concentrate on difficult subjects and relaxes my Intestinum crassum related muscles .
Also tried some CNS stimulants which I injected straight to the vein to get the
best results, but slightly overdosed since I couldn't sleep for 4 days.
studying for doctor?
No, studying to be a laboratory rat. Biochemistry to be precise
only for noobs
20 mg Adderall. crush and snort the medication for double amount of win.
coffee is superior
just cheat ;)
i don't.

if i really need a 'boost', i just have some red bull/golden power and i'll be fine
Exactly what i wanted to say!
coffeine pills yes i did it
and look in what horrible things you participate mis.porn-star !
i'll be starting uni next year (hopefully) and i have no intention whatsoever of taking any medication. fucksake unless you're an idiot just study if you find a subject that's difficult for you to pass
read an article about exams and taking these 'attention' pills as well
Dynarax was also mentioned in it.. I never toke these pills during exams, some ppl did, some ppl talk good, some bad about it
I'd say keep it natural imo, otherwise you'll get used to taking these pills and won't be able to do it without them
+Lot's of exercise in the morning or a short run before the exam
+healthy food, lots of bananas
+8 hours sleep/night
+in need: some Piracetam+
+avoid the computer. It drains your energy and concentration.
+Study in blocks of 50mins, then take a 10 min break so information can get stored without stressing
+fresh air during breaks
+mind mapping

-study at night
-other pills
More info about bananas plox.
Banana is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit. They are native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia and Australia. Today, they are cultivated throughout the tropics.

Banana plants are of the family Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fibre and as ornamental plants. As the bananas are mainly tall, upright, and fairly sturdy, they are often mistaken for trees, when the truth is the main or upright stem is called a pseudostem, literally meaning "fake stem", which for some species can obtain a height of up to 2–8 m, with leaves of up to 3.5 m in length. Each pseudostem can produce a bunch of yellow, green, or even red bananas before dying and being replaced by another pseudostem.

The banana fruit grow in hanging clusters, with up to 20 fruit to a tier (called a hand), and 3-20 tiers to a bunch. The total of the hanging clusters is known as a bunch, or commercially as a "banana stem", and can weigh from 30–50 kg. The fruit averages 125 g, of which approximately 75% is water and 25% dry matter content. Each individual fruit (known as a banana or 'finger') has a protective outer layer (a peel or skin) with a fleshy edible inner portion. Both skin and inner part can be eaten raw or cooked. Western cultures generally eat the inside raw and throw away the skin while some Asian cultures generally eat both the skin and inside cooked. Typically, the fruit has numerous strings (called 'phloem bundles') which run between the skin and inner part. Bananas are a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium.
my exam diet:
1 cup of special-K for breakfast
lots of vegetables for dinner
2 slices of bread in the evening
and the only thing i drink is water, like 2 l a day

works for me :)
Just wake up early, everybody studies best early in the morning, it just takes some disciplin to wake up early. And other than that, just drink loads of loads of wather
pills are for parties not for studying
I lived on red bull and pro plus for the few days prior to my a levels, because I'd done no work all year.

Other than that;

Quote by cryptz<3decempills are for parties not for studying

sounds about right.
- state dependent learning
take LSD before exams it rly works !
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