serious study about...

crossfire users.

Im doing some extremely super serious internet studies about the average internet tard. Because i dont think that there is any better place to find retarded internet users, its now up to you to describe me how you see the average crossfire user !

Results of my survey will appear next week in "BILD". Thx for participating

image: Just_Go
i-net hero !
oh and racist !
u racist bastard!
i dont like you either, gtfo of my journal
i see the average crossfire browser as someone searchin for comments to repy and thinking 5 min about what he will write
i write what i think, and not think what i write x:=D
i said average

u always have exceptions <3
oh lol make love to me jejeje ! :>
actualy when i reply and don't want to flame i write <3
so there is an hidden flame ='(
no it is a precaution to get flamed
no comment

average crossfire user is braindead and stupid
All you need to know is that I am an exception to the rule.
k then tell me something about your brother please
thats called "killerboy-syndrome"
total pwnzor @ everywhere + supersexy + hyperintelligent + too cool for zeh rest of zeh interwebz

That img shows quite good how eloquent an average cf user is :b
If I could add something - if 1 comment per 25 is useful, helpful or giving some value to a stated subject- it's a good result.
Crossfire is some copypasta with some faggotry and kids without any reasonable sense of humor.
it's just fucking sad how people becomes smart-asses as soon as they discover the anonymity, and the out-of-reach feeling the internet provides...

think of some of the things said online, then imagine saying the same shit at a bar... you'd get your teeth knocked in...
having fake acc, so i dont care
i wasn't talking about you...
k then.
Somehow you are right. But its exactly this what keeps me here: see how people nsult each other. Consider me as pervert, but i just find it hilarious when people flame like little childs :D
most people here
- dont think before they write
- are way too young
- write when they have absolutely nothing to say

reading journals here must be the biggest waste of time there is
average cf user is superspecialawesome n stuff
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