Stupid American LOL

oke here we go

i watched this movie "dead man's shoes" , wich in in my opinion (and those of many others) is a very good movie

so afterwards i go check some shit on imdb and i see this comment

I am here to express my disgust for this movie Dead Man's Shoes (it is meant to be read, the aforementionned phrase, without a comma...a certain style I developped in Harvie - Harvard for "les incultes"). Firstly, I'd like to say that watching this felt like, as I said to my comrades, the closest thing to slow death i.e. (id est = lat. for c'est-à-dire) I felt, as Camus would put it, the Thanksgiving turkey, slowly roasting, as a bunch of ungrateful jamayas await my readiness. Second, let's be real, anyone who refuses to admit this isn't horrible is a hypocrite, because if you (and I am not saying it's you, or that it's not, for that matter) have enough dignity and respect for yourself to wake up every morning, you would've not had such of sitting through this crap. I had, however, recorded this movie from TV and was forced to sit through it, and as real film buffs know, regardless of the stupidness of the movie, you MUST (in capitals! Comme les grands) finish the movie."

he made me laugh but that's about the only talent he has i think next to writing utter bullshit:D

those who didn't see movie, go check it, rly nice:)

those who don't care pls continue not caring
Chaos in the lab

The wind flowed spraying like into Digimon's face but he was not intrested. The wrold needed to be saved becuse an evil scintist had created a machine that culd destory it! Digimon has a hard time getting into the scientist lair where the man had a gun.
"It's too late," he smiled. It was an evil smile that he held the gun with.
"No it's not too late YOU MONSTER! I WIIL DESTORY YOU!" and he charged. And he used his digimon powar to kill him. The wrold was saved from evil.
"Hooray I saved the wolrd!" he shouted. "THE WORLD IS SAFE"

Digimon goes home

But he found that on the way home there was no road. It was too late like the scintist said. He had already destored the road and the people were trapped on the island that they were trapped in.
There was nothing he could do. So he went home and cried.
he will go up straight now and avoid the shit
we go tonight :)
a certain style he developed while working as a janitor in Harvie.
2much2read :<
wow...he didnt say anything!!
good film, decent twist.
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