vantage point (spoilers)

great movie with two stupid faults

1. the guy in the ambulance should hit the little girl. i mean its not morally questionable to kill dozens of ppl and injure even more with bombs, and they throw it all away because of one little girl?

2. the ending of the movie was portrayed like a great victory when actually lots of people died and the president got busted up.

mistakes like that always ruin a great movie for me. it shouldve ended in a similar atmosphere like the kingdom.
haven't seen it :(
avarage movie imo, dont expect much
hm? this movie is old, seen it like ~2 months ago?
and yet you dont have any opinion about it?
very good movie
great might be an overstatement, but i definitly found it good and very watchable
its ok, nothing special

Quote1. the guy in the ambulance should hit the little girl. i mean its not morally questionable to kill dozens of ppl and injure even more with bombs, and they throw it all away because of one little girl?

he didn't really have time to think about it, i guess he was just scared and surprised
It got horrible reviews yet I thought it was pretty good.
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