mass effect

anyone been playing this?

if not... WHY NOT !

What is this? link?
looks great and tbh im really in the mood to play a RPG, but i guess my system is to weak to play this game. -.-
unban me at bio :x
cause it's crap
meh. i quite liked it :)
Is it out to PC yet?

If yes, it's because I've forgot :<

If no, it's because that's all I've got
If yes, it's because I forgot AND I'm in China (ha! I win!)

If no, it's because that's all I've got too AND I'm in China (victory is mine!!!)

As a note, wikipedia says the PC release was on weds 28th May (2 days ago). From Mirageous' comment below, the euro release is next friday.
What're you doing in china? :O
Working in our Shanghai office from April until August - it's great!

What are you doing up at 5am?
"Our"? What're you doing nowadays anyway?

Well... I'm supposed to hand in a paper in 5 hours and I haven't done shit. It involves reading two books, picking a subject from them, finding 3-4 articles á ~20 pages on that subject and write 10 pages about it. I can't really be arsed :<

you got some IM? I'm pretty sure doing chains like these aren't allowed, and we are supposed to lead by example!
verpiss dich
Sux that it comes out on 6th of june in europe, but it came out on 28th this month for north america, otherwise all ppl who have xbox had the chance to play this game since last year, though for pc it will be much better (i hope)
waiting on cracked version, looks promising.
I won't buy a game which wants to certify every ten days online. I mean: It's a singleplayergame - what the fuck are they thinking?

penny arcade did a good comic about it:
lulz didn't know that. Guess the cracking might take a while then >:/
again stargate shit ;:(
Played it on xbox360, great game! Good action, good storyline. The only bad thing are the sidemissions, they're all sort off the same.
Agree 100% - storyline was good, side missions were a huge bore.
Ye I think I played like 5 sidemissions in total. I hope part 2 will improve that (if there will be a part 2)
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