I just wondered if you use/installed the drivers that comes with your monitor?
Drivers where you can set colors/brightness/contrast and make profiles for each action (films/games etc.) do you use them or you prefer to set it manualy on the monitor buttons?
Are they worth it?
they dont make monitors with adjustment buttons in israel?
jew monitors, manufacturers circumcise them
That's what i ask, do you use them or you prefer to set it manualy on the monitor buttons?
monitor buttons ofcourse. why bother installing software that is worthless/pointless anyways? making profiles is just silly tbh
Yeah and this is what i do last few years but before i always installed the drivers that comes with my samsung monitor Natural Color Pro. but since i stopped installing them i also think thy're kinda useless when you can set everything on the monitor buttons except for those who care or need that special profiles and special colors for each action they do.
crab, why not to install them?
Did you install for both crt and tft monitor drivers?
i did for crt coz i couldn't change refresh rate @ cod4 without it
How's that? couldn't you just change it on windows monitor settings?
dunno, max rate @ settings ingame was 85 hz and i wanted more >:[
I see, so you do installed for crt but for your tft you didn't? and it's a 75hz max screen?
yes yes

Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 13:57
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 13:50
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 13:40
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 12:45
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 12:29
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 10:55
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 10:52
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 10:49
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 10:47
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 29 May 08, 16:40
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 21:15
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 20:45
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 20:10
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 20:07
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 19:49
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 19:45
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 19:35
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 18:50
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 18:42
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 28 May 08, 18:38
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 27 May 08, 21:31
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 27 May 08, 21:27
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 27 May 08, 21:21
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 27 May 08, 21:14
Respect yo? :o/
Bl1nD replied to your comment Crossfire 30 May 08, 14:18
What do you learn at uni?
computer networks, programming & stuff
Interesting and same what i would like to learn in future, what about the studying period btw?
Wow, so basically this is your 1st or 2nd year at uni? since when did you start?
im finishing my 1st year, started in september
I installed them for one of my monitors buit thats because I had some problems with resolutions and refresh rates.
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