Linux freaks

Ok this time I need an LVM-like system, that has that functionality:
dynamic filesystem mount/unmount;
can do snapshots (backup copies);

Just wondering if there is an alternative to LVM that would be worth to mention.

Thx in advance!
I believe in you crossfire people.

P.S. How to fix mouse acceleration in linux? (running ubuntu 7.10 here)
I thought Linux is free of acceleration
there are some cmds to disable it.
to try looking smart without giving any useful advice?
Indeed to "pull out" long words from his vocabulary "book" yet still look like an asshole!
to try looking smart without giving any useful advice?
Indeed to "pull out" long words from his vocabulary "book" yet still look like an asshole!
Quotexset m 0

For mouse accel
wow thx, looks like it works. But another issue is bothering me. When I do rocket jumps in q3 i press mouse2(jump) and mouse1(fire) almost instantly(with a small delay) one after another, but I neither jump nor fire. With a bigger delay between pressing these buttons it works. Should I fix something in X11?
It could well be something in your X11/xorg but I wouldn't know what to suggest as I've never had any problems in similar games :{
I think, I kinda figured out why. When I press simultaneously these 2 buttons it reacts as if I press some other button. For example, in console when these 2 buttons it reacted as if I pressed "Enter", and now it's writing down "t" letter. LawL.
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