my computer + vista = failure

well i just installed an update from windows, and suddenly my pc's speed went from 'ok' to 'do you have 5 min ? because i need to login'... so if any got this problem to or knows how to make my pc faster again, i would appricied it,,,

some info,, i has vista,, and installed SP1 ,,,,

thnx =D
my computer and the heat outside doesnt work!

and sry i dunno.. !!
Disable unneeded services and startup programs

Check for latest updates on top of SP1

Might want to install Vista Manager as well and maybe NTREGOPT (Registry optimizer)
I know how to speed your pc up!
uninstall vista!!
my pc was fast enough with vista but now it sucksdonkey balls...
<3 Harm

amore mio !!!
<3 u too but help please :< no i cant cam with u :<
i have vista and it works just fine
just dont download any unnecessary updates
It's known.
buy a faster one ? :DDDDDDD
well.... vista.....
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