External Hard Drive


i want to buy an external hard drive to back up stuff on my pc. I've been looking for what's available and for each one i've considered there tends to be as much negative feedback as there is positive. It seems to be a common issue that after a few months a lot of them have problems and lose data. So, can anyone recommend a decent one, up to 500 Gb, which is reliable and easy to use? Otherwise what's the best way to maintain them to avoid problems?
Buy a Lacie and avoid Maxtor!
image: Jimms_301065EK.FFFFFF.200x200
500GB external, Brick Desktop, USB2.0, 8MB, 7200RPM
sir, this is a lego cube...
Not rly, external hard disk from lacie!
its a 2 color lego cube ='(
8( there are 2 of those in that pic tbh :l
so its 2 lego cubes with different colors? =)
it reminds me of lego cube too.. but I love lego cubes! <3
My Western Digital MyBook 500Gb External is pretty damn good. Had it since last February. No problems so far.
got the same, but 250GB. i think i have it for about a year and half or smth, can't really remember when i bought it. never had any problems with it
i've read a lot of people have had problems with losing data off western digital drives, some after a year to a year and a half
One of my Western Digital Caviar's (400Gb internal) crashed after almost a year and I lost everything. No problems so far with the external.
I got lacie, it's perfect :) but my 250 GB is full of movies + music so I'm gonna buy a new one! 500GB :)

I have this
Been using it for 2 years and I've had no problems with it (:on both linux and windows)

Used it for around 2 years now, never broke down on me... All data is still here.
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