Win Vista issue, didnt happen for 7months

I have been having a HP laptop since 7 months now, and only now im issueing problems with Vista.

Apparantly, whenever im busy in a window typing text or watching a youtube movie, all of a sudden the window looses its focus and i have to click back in it to continue watching / typing.

Strange also that, if its on irc for instance, and im typing that i have it happens 3 times in a row or so when the issue occurs ... Then i can type again for about 30 seconds ...

I can see my mouse icon change in an arrow with the vista load sign ( circle that is "loading" ) ...

So my guess is, i have some fucked up process running, the only prob is, i cant seem to find a malware exe running in my processes list ...

Anyone with Vista out there who also had/have this issue and know how to fix it ?

Thx for letting me know :(
its a virus prolly , scan for viruses !
dont trust vista :(
prolly some adware/virus/trojan run some scans if problem persists format i guess :<
oh, what do you know?!?!?!! :D hi2u
I know everything! For example i know you're eating pizza right now SO HA!
*BEEP* WRONG!!! :D im eating a tortilla :p
hmm i was close! :D::D
but not close enough!!! i know that ur reading my reply right now! damn im good at this!
rofl xD <3
i had that loading circle too whole time, delte ur update of sp1, works for me !, and about the typing, i have it too, its very annoying because im not watching what i type, i only focus on the keyboard... but no clue how to fix it
to be honest, i have had SP1 since u could download it, and didnt had this issue then ... it only started today actually, thats what makes it so bizare :/

and yes, its so fucking annoying :/
yes i had it too when u could download it, but 29th of may u could download it again or something, it was an aviable update, i downloaded it, and my pc was so god dam slow,,
what does it taste like?
didn't know eating a laptop takes so long...
brb laughing in the basement
I got an annoying virus that crashes your explorer.exe when you open My Computer for eg
the problem is... Vista running on a laptop, even my bro's laptop, which is running some higher speed laptop hardware gets boged down by Vista. but yah its either a glitch or some prcoess is messing it up
Its not Vista, i has found the issue :)

Thx though for all ur comments :p
Ana : hb btw for 30th. :)
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