mass effect :~>
1 Jun 2008, 18:28
well i advice to you guys who love rpg to 'get' this game, there are many features unlike any rpg you ever played ^_^
also the game combine tps which is rly great to handle...
it should have got more then 90 in the final scores for pc !
btw lame firefox dictionary say i cant write noob ^_^
what a nub firefox
also the game combine tps which is rly great to handle...
it should have got more then 90 in the final scores for pc !
btw lame firefox dictionary say i cant write noob ^_^
what a nub firefox
too bad we dont have more filters :<
Edit: Also the start button, olololololol
Edit Edit: Also Firefox olololololololol
since i got firefox dictionary !
go to tools addons
its not a crappy port :>
edit: OMG BAGRUT @ wednsday HELP
dereh agav ahshav keidan aze met li :<
ahayzarit rava eim ashley v-baharti b-ashley ^_^
i only need to finish noveria, then ashley will fuck with me?
ve lama ata mitkadem kol kah leat ani mesahek yomaim ve kimat siyamti (mishak kazar)
btw add me to the :~> clan :DD
im going to play it more now =)
they are just jealous :>
well i don't think it costs that much :~>
i will fix it ^_^
did u drink coffee this morning?:P
and no i drank cold coco ='(
im not old that i need coffee to stay awake ;)
hiiiii jola :>
and stop eating watermelon, it makes you look old bahah :D
the sexy stuff is fine, but this ^_^
what im gonna do with this information? never let you eat watermelon if we date xD
our date will be in a place where we could learn english :>
now sweety i have to go, eat+cold shower brrrrrr
i will be back later