A Man Who Can Fly

Johan Lorbeer is a German street performer. He became famous in the past few years because of his 'Still-Life' performances, which took place in the public area. His installations includes 'Proletarian Mural' and 'Tarzan', which are famous in Germany. Several of these performances feature Lorbeer in an apparently impossible position.

With his still-life performances, this German artist seems to unhinge the laws of gravity. For hours on time, he remains, as a living work of art, in physically impossible positions. Elevated or reduced to the state of a sculpture, he interacts with the bewildered and irritated audience, whose appetite for communication rises as time goes by, often culminating in the wish to touch the artist in his superhuman, angelic appearance in order to participate in his abilities.


image: Tarzan%20Standbein%2008

No comment.
*btw it's something very new*
I bet there is some Poland pole attached to wall going trough his jacket
thought same :) but well yea we seem to have the same thoughts anyways :DDD
i bet there is some Finland fin stuck up his fucking ass reaching out of his asshole holding his balls, i bet his name is slarto
Johan Lorbeer
lol sorry if i saw it was u who made this journal i wouldve been like OMFG SO COOL
et:qw sux
thats easy.. he probably put superglue on his hand and trained his shoulder and arm muscles
Easy its not a real arm, it goes through the back of his shirt. np4me.
and then screwed to his spinal chord? retard -.-
famous?never heard of him lol
Not fake at all
image: TarzanStandbein20

it's not his real arm

me was faster :D np4i !

he was too obvious, good job in finally busting him ban plz
Attention Whoring

image: attention_whore3
Germany FlyingDJ!?
nearly made me smile

ok it did

cool trick but his 'arm' looks weird en a bit to long :(
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