2012 : the DEATH of internet

Well as the title says, we now know that the internet as you know it will be gone by 2012.
For further informations, check out this video : http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=A2XPiqhN_Ns

If you are not too lazy, check out the IPower community where you'll get more infos.
We can fight this.
Spread the word.
that bitch is always showing her tits to get more views :/
srsly, i would be dead then too
According to the Mayan, 2012 is the year of apocalypse or smth. They state that something really big is to happen, but don't say what. Personally I don't believe in that shit, although it's really possible there will be a nuclear war blowing the big jesus out of all of us.

Just said this coz u wrote 2012 ^^
world has ended like 3 times already :p
Your stupidity makes me sad.
obviously you either don't know engrisj, or your brain just fails on you again, otherwise you would have seen that I wrote:
QuotePersonally I don't believe in that shit,

QuoteJust said this coz u wrote 2012 ^^
Indeed, my brain failed. I didn't want to reply that to you. Wrong click obviously. My apologizes.
the mayans didnt believe anything like that. those doomsday scenarios were all created by modern man really....

their calender just stops at 2012 and thats it. they believed that time is a cycle that keeps repeating itself so dont worry about anvils falling from the sky will crush your head :D
I'm not saying I'm worrying about that, although most of them stupid cuntfucks in here seem to think that :'D

I'm just saying that 2012 thing, and yes I've watched zeitgeist, 2012 is just when our skies enter a new starfield or smth. I thought (not sure though, I don't care about all that crap) we're at watermen now, and we're going to smth different.

but yeh, was just sayin it coz he said 2012, was just funny ^^
the guy in the vid (and the girl first of all) is athene, the best paladin in the world! this is a joke!
didnt computers go crazy and took over the world back in 2000?
this isn't what it is about. Did you even watch the video? This is about corporated companies reducing our liberties to make money.

"Freedom of connection, with any application, to any party, is THE fundamental social basis of the internet and NOW is the basis of the society we built on the internet"
Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Inventor of the World Wide Web
still sounds like bullshit. if an idea like that was really being considered major ISPs would immediately stop all the network upgrades, since limiting network access like that would unload connections by 99%
its true i read shit like that in a serious source.. internet will get clogged up and shit, only poland will be left with good connections
image: 02002947484314cb836fa

This means, you will have to pay more or much more to visit the non main stream websites. Those websites will get their visitors counter cut by 99%. Over time, all those sites will just stop, because webmasters wont get enough money to run their website (no visitor = no add = no money).

CF wont be on the list of the 60 websites accessible with your provider.
Time to move your ass, isn't it?
what are those nerds doing outside ?
Old? Smart ass :> No one knows about this yet, those guys get informations from sources out of companies planning this new internet providing.
How are you darling? <3
Very sad honey. How are you?
I'm fine. good to see you again.
net neutrality has been a question for a long time, so yes, it is old.
he speak too fast :((
wnb youtube's sexiest geek Russia Marina http://uk.youtube.com/user/hotforwords
"dont fall for it guys, there are no girls on the interwebs "
LOL XD plz retarted WoW nerds with spare time (possible??)
same shit like the end of the world in 2008
or 2000
and 1945 - 1990
huh.bullshit :/
It might be only better for some people to get no internet access. I remember living without internet & cell phones and other luxury like that, it was exciting and fun. Nowadays people don't even go see each other, since they can talk in phone or internet. In job applications they ask e-mail address before your home address. Everyone want's to go the easy way.

I wish internet would fall down faster, maybe I could get a life then too.
get lost with your trash
:D said the same some weeks ago
Dude I've already seen those vids from them weeks ago, I perfectly know what they're on about, and I agree with them.

I'm just saying that maya-thing 'cuz the 2012 caught my attention ^^
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