Impact still through in EC?

As of yet there is no confirmed win for FF at the Clanbase page. Neither the tournament tree nor the matches at the team profiles show a result of the match.


Maybe Clanbase will finally react on the issue with FF and its suspicious players?

Only time will tell ;DD

THIS IS A PETITION AGAINST FF-XFI, SO THEY WILL BE REMOVED FROM EC, AND THEY WILL FORFEIT ALL THEIR MATCHES THAT HAVE BEEN PLAYED. If we get 100 idlers, i will send the log + screenshot to Donex/bartichello/bulld0g, and lets remove those fags
Irc-channels will take over the world.
94 idlers now
100 idlers.. plz that will have NO effect at all
CB won't forfeit all their matches. That would mean that every round of the knockout phase in which they played should be played again.
hadnt watched any ec matches from the last 3 seasons.. (just too ridiculous..) so impact really lost against ff ? :D
Then overload should play vs Impact if im right ? If FF will get kicked or w/e
no, they are just too lazy to enter the score
thats 100 :D
its funny to see all the whine after losing against FF
your even funnier
i dont defend him (gnajda)
so you are defending the rest of the team players?
i defend nobody i find it just funny to see all the whine after every lost game against FF, im sure if FF would lose, nobody would say, gnajda used hax in this game
i just wanna say, whole whine and hax shit is overrated
people are whining at him since he started playing on ettv... like they wouldn't whine at him if impact won, plz....
correct, and with every lost game against FF this whine is getting worser :x
unexpected eh?
yeah, expecially after the game :D
With a reason.
its just ruining what was left of this EC... If impact or overload would be playing with gnajda, i think ppl would be whining just as much
admins are just lazy
must be the reason :D
stop busting me ;x i was adminning the decider map but didnt enter a score on the CB site *oops*
ovr vs impact plx, and the winner goes to the final against mpg xD
would be kewl to see u and sheep against impact, rly
I wonder what needs to be done to get cheating trash and people playing with cheaters banned from all leagues, it's a shame to see admins letting them be.
Eurocup is nowadays the place for arrogant newschoolers or bored oldschoolers to find a place to chill
LoL I won 116euro from a bet on FF :D
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