Its a succes

In only 3 hours #ban.gnajda channel got over 160 idlers.

Join and help us ban this bastard <3

EDIT: WE ARE ON 200 <3
It's not help ban him but rather showing CB and the rest of the community that we don't want to have cheaters like him within our scene. It's a kind of standing up to show we are not tolerating that anymore. (imo)
a channel isnt gonna help afaik
at least we are trying
Good luck with it then :)
The irony is that the channel is filled with cheaters and players who play with cheaters. So I left outta irony overload :(
I love you <3
Please remove "<3TosspoT" from my name, it makes me look kinda retarded nowadays :(
the only reason u ain't there is the guy named "Hype" that got op.
the past two comments you've made about me have been wrong and based on all sorts of assumptions, something unlike you. What happened to you?
the one about svo aka snoozer (that cheated in ET) is maybe because I dont really like him well i dont care about him anymore but a while ago i was anti snoozer.

And its true you dont like kamz/hype... you cant say that aint true
doesnt mean he's the only cheater in that channel
imo all teams should stop playing EC until CB sees how shitty they are and starts banning obvious cheaters. Or just banning people when a whole communtiy stands behind it.
(not this case; just in general) so you think it's ok, when innocent people get banned as lang as some guys stand behind it?

i dont mean it in a offensive way, but i really can think of this, when cb ban people if there are some people behind.
some guys > nearly all of the community
as i said in bold font: NOT THIS CASE.... v.v
if enough people stand behind it then yes

or you can let this rule only count for dirty polaks also np4me
+2 for 200!
seriously, play more ET if u want to be better, dont accuse people of hacking just cause u got ownd
sounds like a good idea out of the mouth of a(n) (ex)cheater.
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