poker mentor

Since i lost about 4/8 tourneys i played today , with all having the better cards i'm kinda getting desperate.

So i'm looking for someone who has established himself as a well-earning pokerplayer to mentor me ( & look at my handhistorys )

Cuz with stats like 66% Showdown win , 17% Flops seen , Win% if flops seen : 71%
and always having the better hand , i'm at the end of my strength to keep on playing.

pm me here

EDIT: 1. i watch a cardrunners-movie every day
2. i check / / every 3 day
yes, i am very sure someone will be glad to help you without getting anything out of it.
there are more than enough sites where u can get help. but crossfire isnt one of these :D
I just lost a tourny at the casino... My AA did not hold up against som maltese idiots 45! NIIIIIIIICE
in poker the most important thing is patience and self-control imo: play your game, choose your style, and you'll get profits in long term of time :D
just dont give up!
I first thought it said poke mentor lOL
lol same here

image: pokemon_fan
1. don't play holdem
2. play omaha
3. intelligent gambling
The goal of every poker player should be to become a good all-round player! nl/fl holdem,omaha and stuff :>
$$$ counts, but yea it's good to be able to play every game decently.
ask Poland Thoro
1. You play to tight.
2. Dont play tourney's
ad 2. wtf does it mean i lost 4 from 8 played? If you were 4 times payed then no matter the flat rate it should be way enough to be in plus.
lost = not in the money
so you are registered cardrunners user?
no i'm a registered rapidshare user
there are free and non-free vids, so..
Do you know what rapidshare is ?
I have practicly all the "non-free" vids
yeah, I've heard about it, but how it's connected with cardrunners, is another story.
because all the cardrunner videos are on it sjeez
welcome to the internet
all 782 with rights to use them? yeah right.
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