cleaning qpad

i have no idea how to do it, seeing as i didnt clean it in 1.5 years :D since i bought it basically

so what i read are

- wash it in warm water
- don't use too warm water
- don't use random shit

should i use a soap or something like that? i think not
lick it !
dishwasher :D ( i have no idea...)

edit: google sais to just whipe it with a warm, damp cloth...
I wouldn't clean it tbh :)
why not, it has cum all over it and the surface sucks ;D
You mean: "the surface sucks and that's why it has cum all over it" ??
buy a new one
let be be dirty for better control and aimswitchz !
until it looks like alexL's old keyboard, its fine i guess
meh is just washin it in a washing machine...
cloth made of chamois leather + water
I put my pad (qck+) on the washing machine. Try not to use too much shitty stuff like liquid/soaps because it leaves that greasy feel to it (dunno the correct word)
aimfov will repair it bradda
wa warm water van de kraan en beke zeep om ou hande mee te wasse en dan uitkloppe en laten drogen

zeer makkelijk en efficient:)
gewoon onder de kraan houden en eventueel zeep erover, zo deed ik het :p
i prefer mustard
just whipe it with a warm, damp cloth...
can you bake an egg out of cum? (if you save a large quantity)
can i bang your girl tonight?
in trade for one kilo of the finest ganja
hmm noooooooooo

ganja> all
I followed with tips from LeDragon and used water only. It worked :)
Just don't clean it! I'm playing now for 1year with Kevin's Qpad wich he had given me for free after he played with it for smth like also 2years :DDD

that's the way teamheadshot players do it!
teamheadshot is overrated:p
Member For: 12 days

I'm sure you don't even know teamheadshot :D
thxs man! <3 but who the hell are you :/?
Never accept a lift home from this stranger!
ik ken flash en geckoz irl
loooooooooooooool :DDDDD nice!
water only
Only use warm water,if you use soapy stuff it forms a greasy film.
buy new one
okay it's drying now thanks for the tips
you failed man, "ask perfo" is over!!!
buy new one.. qpad actually loses "the touch" pretty quickly
Or just do what KROWHNE did and buy an aimbot.
oh oh oh.. what a dilemma!
perfo i clean my with vacum cleaner. u got differents sets for the size of cleaning head.

mh ask perfo ? :o
Buy a new QPAD, or else you will get random, white fibershit itching on your wrist and it pisses you off so bad. I had it alot with QPAD, and I even get it with Razer Mantis :<
i clean it with a wet sponge .... or sometimes with spirit to disinfect it
kruimeldief doet wondere ;D
I onced cleaned it with some Degreaser, but then it got all sticky and shit:/

Just leave it as it is!
dont do that
never clean your mouspad, it gives you bad luck
using wet cloth for carleather, best method i tried so far

edit: antistatic! cloth
wel bij mij howr

hoe doe jij het dan, in de wasmachine ?
I use a carcher
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