jews @ mass effect :~>

not only that there are jews there, the only one is important to the plot !
image: img_0c6a1eb8a47acabebca5f03d6ae1013b
he has the same name as me =D
and he is a doctor !

I'mma medic =)

guess my future is more then a "Cohen Porn Productions" ='(

EDIT: its a real shame that this fun journal turn into a political all forget we here to play games, not to make wars or enemies...
Israel Asi Cohen <3
np: Apocalyptica - Enter Sandman "Amplified - A Decade Of Reinventing The Cello"
the alien look just like you matan !!!
no wayyyy
im uglier
just wanted to let you feel good :(
stop lying, he is fucking sexy! he looks like a hollywood actor! <3
im sexy too rly =(
i believe you! sexzyzyzy beast
feel my nipples :>
ahhh yes nice... <3
they are worm cuz of the sun =)
40C ownz !
Dr. Cohen, epic. 8D
What's up with you using "lulz , epic" all the time since a week or two ?
Sup? dunno' maybe since i've started visiting 4chan for the lulz.
I'm not into this scene and never was, just started visiting it something like a month and a ½ ago when i'm really bored. for wallpapers, gifs, rapidshare, cams and stuff. btw can i ask you few questions about 4chan? (as new fag like me) :3
ban, immediately.
2x ban, immediately.
you know, if they ban the jews next they ban the retards...
we are your last line of defense
they can ban all religions if they want

wouldn't really affect me...
i will put a curse over your head :o
by throwing your cylinders at me?

oh cmon, you yourself don't believe this stuff, don't you...
by the power given to me from the dark one !
i unleash a black mamba on your head muhaha

ichinana sushi banana pooopooooo pppppoooooooooooooooo
voosh vooshhhhh

we will see mr.pu
oh please...
:DD pwnd
im sorry why do jewish people continually mention their religion?
lets talk about sex foonr !
it's 1 jewish man(monkey)
well, actually it's not the most important thing to mention.
the first thing is complaining about racism, closely followed by telling everyone how much pain they have to bear every day + how evil Palestinians are. then the religion comes.
yes, and the 9/11 never happend, idiot
well, you were the one who said that, i wasn't...
yeh, you said the us goverment made it happen.
oh, and this means it never happened?
are you trying to be a smartass?
this is facts, not fiction.

i'm just analyzing what you're saying
keep running mate
i'm actually sitting on a chair at the moment.
this is when i'm the smart guy, stop talking to you, the smartass.
you can tell me, if i should stop posting bullcrap and start being serious, i'm up for a serious conversation, just tell me.

either don't even answer this comment.
lol, definatly you dont know shit in your life...
comments like these start boring me
maybe it means something
ahi ao gar b-switz ein lahem tzarot, ein laem beayot...
foreign language, ban
i said you live in switz
you dont have troubles, you dont have problems...
how do you know?
plz tell me about your life in short...
and then tell me how many friends you lost in recent wars, how much ppl from your family died in a terror action or wars.
tell me if you ever lost a good friend in a terror act
did you?
point two got reached.
you know, war + terror aren't the only problems of people.
and by the way, i'm looking at all the stuff happening over at your place from the outside, i'm not under any influence like propaganda or anger, but i'm sure if i start talking to you seriously now the only thing i'd get in the end would be some answer in the style of "Nice Pro-Palestinians-TV you have there in switzerland", like i already got one from another israeli here on crossfire.
you say point two reached like you expected it, but yet you didnt answer to me...
belive me i will trade all my problems just to have all your problems and your family problems combined ...
so play dont talk to me about problems, cuz you are nothing compare to what ppl went through, and you will never will be...

there is a different then hear or see or learn/study then to be here and live here...
and if you talk to me seriously, the last thing i will ever talk to you is about stuff like this

the ppl here offend or trying to offend me, this isnt what bother me, what bother me is how much ppl can be ignorance fools

have a nice day, i have an exam tommorrow need to sleep now.
sleep tight man, good luck @ ur exam :)
like my teacher always saying: "its ok to cheat, but its not ok to get cought" ^_^
so i wont dont worry ^_^

good night
haha :D dont cheat in exams tho, if you get caught you are fucked.
I simply hate your attitude which finally always puts you into the position of the victim. There are people who's life is way worse than yours and I never heard anyone of them complaining. The nearest ones to you would be the Palestinians. If you hear about a conflict from israel vs palestinians and someone died, it's always pretty much the same like "2 Israelis died, 50 Palestinians died". And don't talk about ignorance. Talk to the guy above for more info. I tried to give him facts about my statements, and he refused to watch them and said they are wrong anyway and he doesn't want to know it.

And what is this evolving to?
Are you really going to say something like "My best friend died, yours didn't, my life is worse than yours"? Oh please.
I assume (not sure though) most israelian people who die in the conflict are soldiers. They know which risks they take and I don't feel pity for them at all if they die. Everyone who goes to war has to take the risk of being killed. And that's nothing new. When they are killed of course the palestinians are the only ones to blame (the soldiers who got killed is innocent for a 100%, and of course noone mentiones that these guys killed people themselves) and they are "short, black haired, fat, ugly arabs" (quote taken from the guy above).

oh and if you haven't figured it out yourself, the guy above is ^jESUS
lol you notice that in the end, you didnt told me about your troubles?
you tried to turn this on me...just understand this "you are not close to understand, you live thousends mile away, sit in your rich country, driving your bmw, live a happy life with no toubles and worries" so you cant understand, and you will never understand no metter how much nice you will talk or give "facts" cuz you are not from here and you will never be right.
epic game

fuck politics
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