Regarding his ban...

Where is the proof? As far as I'm concerned he could just be another mAus... fact, I bet 4 of my 5 my landmines that he is clean (I still need 1 otherwise ET would suck).
Or another AzA!!
Or Gamehack LIO ?
dos santos at tottenham, lol?
Never? Lampard ,Drogba & Essien @ Inter?
Lampard contract expires in a year
none of them will go
your exclans stuff fucked up my brain :(
sheep pls dont be cheater lover:<<<<<<<<
Give me the proof that shows he is a guaranteed cheater?
sheep are you being sarcastic or what
he is just more intelligent than Killerboy and his CB-friends
I've played against the guy he's beyond obvious the only guy who's as suspicious as he is, is slajdan and that guys also had demos ban worthy out now nothing surprises me at all.
I'm not saying that I'm sure that gnajda is clean, but at least they should publish the evidence in such as big case. Gnajda's last avis were... not as interesting as they should be if he is using an aimbot.
DONT YOU GET IT? They don't need to show evidence because TosspoT's word is law, maybe you should just quit ET if you don't want to follow the admins every word, they just ban all the clean players anyway, fuck this game.
Must you defend every possible cheater?
Kinda funny that YOU write something like that, in my eyes you are quite suspicious being from england and all, it's just opinions and if you state something else you are just hillarious.
how many avis do you need?
he has a history... he has already been busted with some other nicks as far as i know
did u ever saw him play vs what i think was overload (lio was playing) in a 3o3 on goldrush some time ago? Completly banworthy....

And tbh, i was always 80% sure maus was clean, but of this guy im 99% sure hes not clean. So no, not another maus as far as im concerned
You would like Usain Bolt to be banned?
Dude, I thought Finnish humour was the closest foreign humour to the English humour?
demo from 2005 :DDDDDDDD
sheep? u dont belive in anti3?

sorry but u must be rly retarded if u didnt see wh and aimbot in avis...
at least someone with common sense lets boycott nazibase
I didn't watch any avi from gnajda but I suppose he was too obvious?!
He wasn't obvious atleast in that "Gnajda Fagmovie" by ag0n..
than it's kinda weird he got banned :s
I doubt or at least hope that CB doesnt ban people just because of a fragmovie or a short clip cause they do not mean anything imo,
I mean everyone can make a clip that makes you look like a hacker if they intend to let you look like one.
About who? Gnajda? or what?
Ok, i don't care if he got banned with or without proof, ET is dead anyway... i only play it for fun sometimes pub sometimes 3v3 carebear.
Remove the admins from cb who made this decision. They gave someone a ban without proof.
So fucking agree!
oh noez, CB admin destroying his youth!!! they cant do that, ET is sooo important 4 him! oh noez.... what should he do now all day long!?

it was very very suspicious, thats enough!
zeto.avi - ban plz
Just call the carepolice..
When in Rome do as the Romans do.

Ban without proof,gg. Only because some people whined about a player having suspicious moments. Like Butchji, mAus, Snoop etc have those moments. Do you hear anyone about that? Nope.....I agree with Sheep.
Gnajda had 20 "suspicious" (I'd call them clear hax) moments per round.
so fucking agree, thats prolly why they banned him, not for the avis etc
So from now on, providing some pressure on CB and some avi's should be enough to ban people? BB unpopular people then.
didnt u read what he wrote? oO

i think its enough when somebody got more then 20 strange actions per round. if u know someone who is doing shit like this, make an avi about this 20 actions and yes its rly enough to ban someone!
How do you define strange actions? Where do you draw the line between strange and normal then?
i dont know, but i am not a CB admin. i think CB admins saw enough matches with highskilled players to know what actions are just skill and what actions are too unnormal
didnt see the demos did you?
Come on... common sense is allowed. Even Malczik, Hype or some other unpopular people won't push crowds this much.
ye cuz those ppl didnt get unpopular becuz they are clearly cheating. Some ppl just dont like those guys cuz of the way they act. Gnadjas popularity has nothing to do with him being a retard of some sort
wtf does being unpopular have to do with having zillions of suspicious scenes per round? THe only reason he is unpopular is because he is so clearly wallhacking (some games more than others). So for that matter, yes his unpopularity contributed to his ban since every1 who specced him alot was pretty sure he was cheating. Like the 3o3 vs overload a couple of weeks ago :o
Dont get me wrong, I dont doubt wether he cheats...Its the right result, but just the wrong method which CB has applied (copyright by Griim). This method just drove busts more into a grey area because they show they can bust by avi's and a bit of pressure now too.
It never took a truck of demos with a guy shooting at walls en doing 180° triples to justify a ban. The only controversy is that officials didnt ban at first and that the proof is pretty obvious but not obvious enough to exclude any doubts. There have been busts and bans like this before, ppl just didnt make a big deal out of it because it was obvious enough. Just as this is obvious enough. But appearantly some guys like to hype the way it happened, i have no idea why... i suppose cuz they havent seen enough of the material the ban was based on.
kamz is unpopular too, unfortunately he is too shitty to appear suspicious even once
Go watch Sweden toxicq
and for how long has gnajda played in that level ?
Just ban him cuz he is polish
this is a good method too.
he hacked in the past and oviously he has done it agian... wish FF good luck in next events
and now ur playing with slajdan.
and your playing with fragma
as far as i know fragma isnt busted, slajdan is. big difference
Or another Jinosta
i heard Panda haxed up dance mats :<
jinosta isnt hacking :o
proofs he shoots fuckin obivous
he isnt that hard to kill in a duel and ive never seen him do anything wh'ish
for me it is, ban pls!
face it, its et...

you silly bugger you!
Like slarto said, he had more extremly suspicious scenes every round than the average top player has in his entire ET-career. Nuff proof for me
nice sarcasm
Are you fucking serious? Well expected since u played with templar etc
I'm serious-cat.
wheres this shiny new laptop then you fluffy minx?
I've been waiting for your reply for ageees! I don't dare buy one until I got some professional advice ;'(
ok ok, ill save the day :>
Did you get my PM a while back? I sent you one about any recommendations you might have :-\
i didnt matey, but ill get looking for ya :)
cause private bots are almost impossible to detect these measures are necessary
thats what i wanted to say :)
I request a ban for user Sheep on basis of unbelief!
This situation just shows how pathetic ClanBase is. They've banned player without any valid proofs because of community pressure ... Endearing to criers. PATHETIC.
mst you're breaking my sarcasm meter ffs
sad panda :<
GTFO, typical response from another cancerfuck Polish guy
typical response from another cancerfuck idiot
from iceland :D
I'm not Icelandic mongol =((

God, clanbase are so retarded this time, they should just ban all the skilled players, Night, butchji, etc, etc, just ban them, this is stupid.
fuck yeah, ban them all
someone is frustrated
Joke, right?
i love your profile pic
like I believe you
Sheep whit his retarded journals <3
he has a cheating history... there are enough proofs of that...
could you provide some links with these proofs?
there have been a few forum threads with some old demos bout him not caring about hiding a hack...

nice wallshots cuz he didnt look carefully n stuff
Or another perfo!!

Oh wait, my aim is shit LOL!!
But let's ban you for the headshoots you've shooted long time ago! np for CB now!
Well it's hard case.
Tbh nobody can tell with 100% wether he is cheating or not. If yes, ok. But think how he must feel right now if he didnt.
I suppose that he's crying under his bed now ;D.
i agree with sheep
You must be as serious as this journal!
im as serious as the back end of your sister's ex boyfriend
Dan snap je zijn "Engelse humor " dus?
at the danger of posting logs :-

(23:33:12) (@Hype) gnajda banned + ff out \o/
(23:33:12)@iNm-xedos fuck that u cunts this means I lose my betting money
(23:33:22) (@iNm-xedos) fuck all better to do?
(23:33:34) (@iNm-xedos) than to mob some poorassed polak?

sad when the community spends fucking weeks mobbing some dude where the real proof aint there and no fukka with any idea has actually taken the time to look at this properly.
The irony of hype being happy when cheaters are busted, too much for me!
idd, gotta love him anyway...
CB crew is so spineless they always act when theres a lot of noise just so they could look good but dont care if what theyre doing is the right thing
No matter what CB will do against (obvious) cheaters, nobody is ever happy.
too fucking true. he was OBVIOUSLY cheating and half the people defending him just hate clanbase and didn't even watch his demos.
Like slarto said, he had more extremly suspicious scenes every round than the average top player has in his entire ET-career. Nuff proof for me
Sheep gives 4 of his 5 landmines (his whoooole skill in ET) that he is clean! Is it enough to unban him :D?
you must be kidding

thnx for ruining my night yesterday btw :p
thnx for pausing :---D
ROFLOCOPTER.... if this avi is proof to ban gnajda so FUCK YOU CB , bartichello and other fuckers...
what kind of proof do you need?

- he's the only one who "failed" at anti3
- he busted himself when he received a pbban and thought he got busted but the server wasn't streaming to pbbans
- he has a cheating past and never served his time
- he is very very suspicous in his demos (and can't go to lan cos of his girlfriend ofc!)

demos are a valid reason to ban and it works like that in every other fucking game like cs too. he's not the first one who got banned for a demo, even last month ppl got banned for demos in cb
image: 865af67138c150d8

fuck I'm a cheater :(
expected, cheaterlover playing 3v3 with malczik & convers D:
To be honest, this whole situation we have here looks similar to the final of the last ET-Cup #31 (although I'm not sure whether it's the correct number).

After the final Cortana whined about naga and other Authentic Gaming players and even made a few threads and journals with proofs similar to those taken into consideration in gnajda's case.

Unfortunately for FF, it appears that players from Impact or overload get on way better with CB admins than Cortana did with the admin crew of ET-Cup.

Furthermore, I personally believe that you shouldn't ban an EC finalist because of demos., unless the guy gives 3 hs per kill and turns 180 degrees all the time or just traces his opponents movement through the three walls that seperate them.

Furthermore, I strongly believe that if it wasn't for the #ban.gnajda initiative CB wouldn't have taken any action itself.

Since most gnajda's wierd moments can be explained because for example guys he kills are either:
a) visible because he leaned earlier
b) heard because they are either: runing, jumping, swiching weapons, reloading or shooting
demos in case are in my opinion not enough to submit a ban.

Furthermore, I doubt that one of the most famous polish teams would take in a player, unless he was either cheat-proof or has been playing the game for years.

What bothers me even more is the fact that gnajda didn't do so well on all 6 maps played vs. overload or impact. How can anyone explain this? His bot has experience points or what? The more the bot is active the better it works?
bha xD he fucking lag thats all xD dunno if he is cheating or not didnt watch ettv (inactvie ftw ) XD but b4 he wasnt so obvious as u are saying but anyway maybe im wrong im gonna check some ettv match :)
he was owning da impact :d
didnt saw that match :) gonna check :) thx for info!
sheep <3 :) agree with you ofc :)
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