cant understand.....

after just coming home and reading all the updates, with the main 1 being the FF situation.. i just cant understand how ppl disagree with the decision?

theres no doubt in my head that he hacks, in none of the others im sure... but there wasnt CONCRETE proof of him hacking but everything just adds up... everything. The fact that in the last officials he's playing he has DEFINETELY cheated, been cheating consistently for at least a month now in every game he plays and besides that.. in the whole anti3 cheat thing NC, he was one of the few that came NEGATIVE.. ie. anti3 says he cheated.

people have been wanting CB to ban ppl when it really obvious for ages, now cos they finally do ppl actually dont accept it and start whining, u guys are a complete joke, where u get your pleasure from complaining from anything good or bad, i pity u all

gj CB

gn rant
I shall never read journals again when trying to be swift.

hmm edit
u dont get it, he was banned like "let us vote" and this can/could happen with many good players, who dont really hax/were haxing
btw: i dont care, if gnajda wouldnt hax, he would definately write here something :)
so good decision
do u know how many other situations there were of ppl saying someone shoulda gotten banned before? soooooooo many ppl used to be convinced 1 person was hacking, but CB never listened. So this aint the first time its happening and being a former CB admin u can trust me, the subbornness there is simply amazing so for a decision to be made or changed.... its gotta be quite big

so ye... what u said is bollocks to sum it up
im just a little bit scared there can be banned a clear player in the way like clanbase did today
You shouldn't if you dont cheat. And if you get busted by an anticheatprogram, dont start lying about your ip and plz plz plz dont ask for the real proof.
ok this seems a stonger reason to ban.. very good timing to ban a team now for something that happened months ago, this plus some demo's where most experienced players disagree that there is proof of cheating, should make it a great decision by CB to ban FF
image: img_c9288a480c3dbb315477d673ad7bbad0

For me the lean kill on night is more then enough proof. Slow it down and you'll see its just insane reflex and it coincides with him preparing to shoot the two guys comming from first axis spawn. Just like kenta @supplyedpot main if you remember that vid.
you should see my reflexes sometimes when I hear an enemy approaching, I should be banned a long time ago
If it was up to the community maus wouldve been banned.
exactly... yet CB didnt ban him cos demos were inconclusive. so that shows that they aint banning gnajda just because the community wanted so.

hell... when has clanbase done what the community wanted 100%? ;)

that just proves my point hehe
"The fact that in the last officials he's playing he has DEFINETELY cheated, been cheating consistently for at least a month now in every game he plays"

ok i was wrong how foolish of me :(

Can't fcking stand those retards who keep saying that he doesn't cheat. They obviously haven't specced him on ETTV or watched avi's of him.
people are complaing cause as you said "there wasnt CONCRETE proof". Thats the point

ye we want that cb bans ppl but when there are some CONCRETE proofs


ye for me he may be cheating but i would never ban him due to my presumptions
agree, agree and agree

Can't fcking stand those retards who keep saying that he doesn't cheat. They obviously haven't watched the demos of him.
I agree with CB's decision to ban him. But they should be more consistant and ban more players for demo's.. For instance slajdans demo's which were even more obvious than gnajda's imo.
in this case, gnajda's demo show nothing comparing to slajdan's demo
ulk powner :D! (i was robbi btw :Þ) And yes, you're absolutely right.
You weren't doing bad yourself =)
please man, 95% of my kills were from an easy position ^^, thanks though :O). Whats the tag lineup now btw :P?
Still reforming a new line up, for now we're playing officials with some mixes of players from TAG :>
Parent !

:D, I suppose im able to handle a bit over med, its just the flame that would commence if i would state in my recruitment post :O).
retard ;(
Quote anti3 says he cheated.

and i am telling you that butchji is cheating... and so what?
there's a small diffrence between an anticheat system and some random polish mongol
Well said.
Well said.
I salute you!
Well said.

gonna sleep

cheer ;)
erhm people say gnajda's cheating + anti3 says he's cheating,
people say butchji cheat, does anti3 say that too? nowai
Of course anti3 didn't say it, because butchji didn't play in the World Cup 3v3 and thus didn't use the software!!11
butchji lover :o)
idd, btw was quite funny speccing you @ gold attack :P
I got this pm after i posted the news:

Sent by rewuz on Wednesday 4th June 2008, 01:30
very fucking well done. eventhough i dont care about this game you did simply fucking good job. appreciated.

• Reply to this message

x'D, he was another unknown polish ofc
that decision could bring CB back some prestige... strong and clear...
Well said Tox.
Pity a lot of the people who are defending him seem to be doing so just as he is from the same country as them :(
your a joke .. since when should suspicions and emotions be a good reason to ban someone? he didnt pass the anti3 .. but that was a long time ago and things could be done then but not now they passed all the way up to the finals, this whole ban is a joke including people like you supporting it
He wasn't banned on suspicions and emotions - cb banned him because of his DEMOS - you know those things you have to record in officials and make available, for exactly this reason? gg
I know they used demo's. And on these demo's there is nothing that could proof he is cheating. Sure use demo's to ban someone, but not these baby. Not these.. people looked at these demo's got suspicious (or in fact were suspicious before already) and many people got emotional.. and looked at these avi's and demo's with emotions.. CB Admins are supposed to stay objective in these situations but they failed. This is the sad truth.
It all depends if this is the first of more demo related bans or if this is the only one. If it is the only one, it is because of the pressure from the community.
I wonder if anyone defending him has actaully watched the demos? The flick at ~4:20 on sd2 attack is so obvious... or you just don't want to believe?
It is not that I think he is clean. In fact I think he is cheating 100%.
My point is that CB should ban more on suspicious demo's or else this will seem like one ban under pressure from the community.

CB needs to be more consistent.
We need 2 say banupdate 16*
gnajda from unknown to a known ETplayer in a 4months =)
he was known as a cheater before but nobody ever really cared about him since he only played 3on3s and that just with his cheater clanmates
FF were just stupid enough to recruit him and let him play EC
well done !
They are not stupid they know he was cheating but they thinking he is not busting so lets play wars tehn:p
gnadja isnt cheating atm
after years of cheating he suddenly became able to play on an ec level all by himself and people just recognize that
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