Finally, hand in day!

So today, we hand in our semester project here at the university. Been pretty much going since yesterday morning at 7:00. We finished printing our report at around 6'ish, then I went home to get the most wonderful shower in a long time!

So now I just got back to the uni, eating some breakfast... chilling.

We just need to hand in our report before noon, and then at 14:00 there is the "M3 Awards" (Mega Medialogy Marathon, or something). This is an event every semester, which happens on the day everyone hands in their project. At the event, there is BEER! and people are able to present what their project was... in a more unformal way :)

There is a commity though, which decides the winners of each semester and then there is the audience award. I've attended every single M3 award since I started here in 2005, always been a blast, since people are usually uber tired, happy about handing in their project and then they get drunk :)

This is me, this morning at 6:30:
thxs for sharing this
Still using Windows 95 in russland?
I wish I had had this much enthusiasm towards studying in my time... I might have even graduated. :]
I wish I had had this much enthusiasm towards studying in my time... I might have even passed my first year at the uni. :]
Nice being even lazier than me, lulz.
ara looking hot as always, nice being bald
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