
hey guys!

which fov/sens do u use ingame? is it better to have a lower sens+high fov (115-120) or higher sens+lower fov (90-110)?

i personally like for 110-120 but im not sure about my sens....i change it almost everyday :)

u got some ideas whats the best solution is?
its just what u like the most
i like it when the game is fast...its much better for my movement. i think winghaven is/was also playing with a higher fov+sens. but faster gameplay is not always as good as i would like ...

i hope u get my english sux a bit :X
fast ? changing fov doesnt make the game to faster :p bu i think u mean it looks like your walking faster ?
yep :) it looks faster
yeah i prefered that too but you can shoot hs much more easy with a lower fov
It does look faster when u swap between 90 and 120 :-)
hi husband of me <3
90fov drawgun 0...
i've heared many ppl play with these settings..but tbh..movement sux then :D
i have 120 fov on every weaponbank except 2 & 3... helps a bit :P
hahahahahahhahaha :DDDD
uhm well most logical would be the bigger the fov the higher the sens
No you mongol... If you have say 120 fov and move your mouse X cm and then you switch to 90 fov and move your mouse that samer X cm then obviously you're crosshair went further on 120, so if you wanna be logical, you should turn your sens up if you go lower sens. mongolboy.
use the search function, allready 4123894623974 journals about this shit
90/112 atm for testing

102.5 usually
1.6 sens
fov 90
cg_drawgun 1
sens 3.211
dpi 400
drawgun 1! :o
visibility is bad :<
well i'm used playing with drawgun 1 so it's easier to keep playing with that.
although i get more hs's with drawgun 0
but who needs hs's anyway
fov 110
sens: 40cm= +-450°
I cant remember on which fov I played!
fov 98
sens1.8 in-game
windows sens dunno :/
dont change sens and dont change fov, learn to use the same ones without changing them at all


fov 112
drawgun 0
sens 0.6
max windows sens
enhanced pointer precision 0
fov 90 and really low sensitivity (180 degrees 45cm)

With large fov objects seem to move slower (easier to track) and you get less visual knockback but I still prefer to use smaller fov... Feels like bullets are going there where you aim with it. :P
low sens
97 fov
low sens
accel off
ask slajdan and gnajda
i use

Mouse: Razer Deathadder @ 450 dpi 500hz
Windows sensitivity: 6/11
Razer sensitivity: 10
In-game sensitivity: 3
Mousepad: Qpad CT 30x26cm
Resolution: 800x600 @ 85Hz
ET Fov: 105
180° = 25cm
try fov 100 + sens 2.3 or smth around that number that suits you(+ i have r_mode 8) .
Higher fov + lower r_mode is doable but high fov + high r_mode makes it imo abit more dificult to see everyone properly and the sense that you wanna use with that is personal preference i gues.
You aren't moving quicker with a higher fov, that is placebo. AzA uses a low fov (90) and moves very quickly, sqzz I think uses a higher fov than 90 (i believe in the 105-120 region) and is very quick, I use 105 and am very quick. Doesn't really depend on the fov.

As for sens, personal preference.
your strafe in duels is more better with higher fov than on 90 fov.
normal sens in windows
1.6 sens in game (mx518 @800 dpi)
95 fov
cg_draw gun 0
normal windows sens
1.02 sens ingame with fujitsu siemens stantard.
smg fov 90
pistol fov 105
others fov 100
drawgun 0 with pistol and smg
r_mode 4
Fov: 120
Sens: 0.8031
Hoe kan je in godsnaam aimen met fov 120?
geen id mak vind tog datk het goed doe :D
ik zie geen ene fuck van op die afstand alleen 1op1 is nog wel chill maar dan moet je ook nog fucking kijken:p
ik heb 120 close en 96 long :)
ah vandaar maar dat ik vindt ik kut had dat ook andere fov is je sens ook anderes enzo is kut
voelt g ni zo fel tis meestal 0.10 trager bij mij op long ^^
ja lol ik moet ook es met 90 fov gaan proberen want als je elke avond gaar bent kijk je je ook kapot op dat beeld xD
Ik ga altijd tranen :<
aimfov or fov? ":D"
mouse: logitech mx518 refresh @ 1600 dpi 125 hz
mousepad: qpad ct-large
sens in-game: 0.9
fov: 102 + 90 (fov-switcher)
drawgun 0 (pistol, smg, nade)

using setpoint 4.00 (sensitivity 6/11) + accelfix :)
Fov: 90
Drawgun: 0
Sensitivity: 3
Dpi: 400
Mouse: Mx518
360/cm: 64cm
Meh i use 90atm, like slarto said, ur bullets seem to hit when they are supposed to hit. But i can more easily adept to a faster paced game with 100fov and medium sens.
fov 90
drawgun 1
10 cm for 360
reason why i suck :D
sens: 1.1
fov: 100
An error has occured:
» Could not connect to the MySQL database: Too many connections.
Razer Diamondback 3G
1800 DPi
Windows Senstivity 6
Drawgun 1
Fov 110
Sensitivity 1.25
Mousepad : QcK Steelpad
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