need epic shows!!!

Just ended watching The OC which was fucking epic!!!
But now I need a new show/anime to entertain me when i'm bored.

No Lost or Prisonbreak shows because I don't like them. Although I did like the oc so maybe something in that direction would be cool.

I already watch naruto, bleach, one piece, dbz/gt, deathnote, samurai champloo, fullmetal alchemist and DN angel (I think this was it). As long as it has a nice storyline and some action it's nice for me. But not too japanese kawaiiii hentai stuff.
I heard that ghost in a shell was supposed to be pretty good. Anyone can tell me if it's true and maybe a quick summarise about the storyline and stuff?
greys anatomy
watch family guy. it's made of win.
Totally agree this is soooo naice
House is a must !!!
south park. family guy gtfo
One three hill
Stargate Atlantis
Greys Anatomy
Las Vegas

I recommend the most Supernatural and Stargate Atlantis.
stargate <3 !!!
scrubs ftw
you dont like prisonbreak or lost however you like the OC? i'd recommend you waste your time watching big brother or some other excuse for tv stupidity.
The O.C is a whole different genre so comparing them is pretty stupid.
cmon dont act like more of an idiot than you are. whats next? not comparing two shit american soap shows that have at least 3 different letters in the title, and where at least one person in each show isnt gay?

when i watch a show i'm looking for a great story, decent script, decent acting, watchable production and not hot rich female retards pretending they have problems.
lol , its just thesame as with movies. So people doesn't like action movies and others doens't like drama
i think that pulp fiction is better than The Hottie and the Nottie, but yeah i guess people who like the shit genre of movies prefer the second
I like Kyle XY :-)
The OC and epic in one sentence? maybe you forgot to put fail in there somewhere?
what is it about?
Weeds is an American dark comedy television series. The plot revolves around a widowed housewife from an affluent California suburb who becomes an upper-middle-class marijuana dealer to make ends meet.

It's good, and nancy is hot :D
Hehe sounds great, downloading it right now! thanks
Gundam 00 is a nice anime show!
weeds, the wire, skins
I'm watching it on comedy central xD It's nice but pretty much the same every episode.
gets much less repetitive after the first 8 episodes or so
Las Vegas :)
Californication, must see it =)
House M.D. rula!
Jericho is good watched about half the first series.
gets boring with all the "drama" later on
How i met your mother.. pretty nais to watch:P
One Tree Hill! <3
I heard its similiar to the OC...
i can just reommend nip/tuck, it has quite a few similarities to the OC
Nip/Tuck (rly love that show)

but then if u find OC epic, u might want to check pokemon
Jericho, Cold Case & Oz are pretty good
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