ET server config

need an ET server config... Our server was just set up, and wtf? maxrate was 15000 ...

can't log in as referee even if the pass was set up, because the shit was disabled and I 'm too lazy to edit these stuff with the FTP so need an good ET server config
Quotetoo lazy to edit these stuff with the FTP

and how do you plan to upload new cfg if not also by ftp?
I got the FTP, but I'm too lazy to upload the ET server config in the FTP
QuotedanL on 04/06/08, 20:29:19 PM | Reply

Quote "too lazy to edit these stuff with the FTP"

and how do you plan to upload new cfg if not also by ftp?

crod on 04/06/08, 20:30:00 PM | Reply

I got the FTP, but I'm too lazy to upload the ET server config in the FTP

how are you planning to upload the new config if you are to lazy to do it?
no, ET server config. not clanbase configs
just edit everything u want then ....plz
I dunno what to edit :P
if u want to change maxrate use this command:
set sv_maxRate "25000"
for referee password:
set refereePassword "yourrefpwhere"
u can do that by using rcon. after u did this load another map and its working
I've set the ref pass already. In the server when I type on console /ref pass
it says, something about loggin as referee is disabled in this server..
hm dunno then sry
lazy guy
thnx for ref and rcon, brb server takeover:D!
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