Question for hackers

I've been trying hard to figure out what makes these idiots cheat. And I haven't found any answer yet.

When you win a big match (or any match) by hacking, how can you possibly get pleasure out of it? How can you feel good about it?

And if you realize that it feels like shit, why don't you just stop? Well that I understand - you fear that you might suck so much without hacks and your team might kick you out. And if you're already in top you don't wanna fall out of your spot.

I also understand if you are young and you just wanna look good, become the best damn player there is. It's normal, ambition, but kid you're doing it wrong. I don't understand older hackers though, by your age you must have grown up at least a little bit to separate what's right and what's totally wrong.

Hackers and ex-hackers, enlighten me.
U always find those starcraft games played, where do u find them :o cos i wanna watch too!
Are you really that stupid and do you really have so little imagination? Sorry, stupid question, look at your "recent" comics...
Actually my imagination have been damn wild since I was born. So now when you are a lot wiser, perhaps you can give me simple answer.
why does some ppl steal from shop.. for fun? because they can? lots of answers prolly..
Don't be so hard on him
You are killing people with your 'random nades' during hide and seek so stfu. =D
I played Hide&Seek once, 1 month ago and I never used a nade. So who/what are you talking about? :o)
nvm, wrong guy I guess =D
its so boooring...
They won't respond
"Ask perfo". - Yes i'm fuckin' top notch original.
I am actually expecting his reply. Though I'm sure he'll just say "I don't know, ask my brother".
You are one hell of a moron, I hope you realize that.
Judging by what?
Bringing up the 'brother-case' here.

Before criticizing something, I myself tend to try and know the situation or phenomenon I am talking about, the complete ins and outs, et cetera.

Frankly enough, it is quite obvious that judging from posts concerning my ban, there is simply no belief in what is actually true (i.e. the 'brother story'), which has been defended by (ex) Clanbase insiders.

This not only applies to you, but also to the other half of the community. Unless you were trolling of course, which I seem to doubt.
My comment wasn't meant to be serious, actually it was a small joke which you sadly didn't get :(

I do believe your story...
Then you are a troll! BLASPHEMOUS
And then of course I have to apologize. I am sorry for the inconvenience!
Apology accepted. I still take ET too seriously though and I've never played in competitive level. Maybe it's because I once was referee and got a chance to kick some hacker-ass and now I can't do it anymore :(
cheaters on publics never seem to hold back (hi chaplja :D)
Haha, I still laugh my ass off every time you use that brother-excuse and people believe it.
Haha, I still laugh my ass off every time you do this. :D Because you don't mean it, or at least, I think so.
what's the diff?
A big difference.
i've been thinking about this too :-O
do you know how cheats works? no, then u want to try and experience something new!
cause its the pwnage?

image: BoomHeadShot
That gif is hypnotizing. Sure its PWNAGE but when you know it's not true PWNAGE, just unfair PWNAGE - do you feel good for being unfair?
its the pwnage its never not the pwnage! cause all you hear is PING PING PING RAPE NGRS RAPE, its a nice ego boost to make people whine, its like ... you know:D!
dunno for others, but i was interested into development of cheats and wanted to see if i could learn how to do it and be able to do something on my own

whether it's fair or not.. didn't really bother me (except when it comes to usage in clanwars) because i never really tried to hide aimbot when i used it.. fun part for me was using the full power of aimbot.. tried playing with human aim though on efter/bio long time ago for a month.. never got busted, but it's kinda boring and not fun
When you start spending money on things that gives you an advantage in a _game_ you'll never really be the smartest pencil in the box when it comes to clear thinking. Still... why do you think all the cyclists take steroids etc.. If you think i'm comparing this in a pretty harsh way you might be right but still.. just think about it ;-)
In real life sports there is always (BIG) money and (BIG) fame involved. This really isn't the case in ET, except for the fame =)
you're forgetting that the majority of cheaters in this game are polacks, I'm sure a winning a SteelSeries 5H is serious shit for them.
there is so answer making sense. it must be something wrong if you like playing with hacks...
I guess you're speaking about people cheating in clanwars.
As hackers and people playing with full aimbots on public is two whole other stories.

As with the rest of life, gaming aint all black and white.
It's just different shades of grey.
In the right setting, it could be anyone.
But if you want a reason;
cheaters aint much different from the rest of us, and it might just as well have been you.
Most do it out of desperation, or for pure fun.
But what most had in common when they started cheating is the fact that they didn't care anymore.
They were left with the choice; to stop gaming, continue getting owned, or start cheating and be owning themselves.
Some justify it thinking "everyone else cheats.. so why shouldn't I?"
Some start just because they are curious, often led by others, and keep doing it because they like it and because the others are doing it.
Still, most of them hate other cheaters just like you and I. They fit themselves in and care just as much about the community as the others.
All in all it's just a different shade of grey.
I see that you have experience!
I see that you need glasses!
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