zomg the fuck :D

PS3 = epic!
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune = epic!
GTA4 = epic!

Buy it if you don't yet have it!!!

image: 932984_20071119_screen001
Your name is a lot more epic if you ask me
ok, now go back to your ps3
Consumerism blows.
i've got etqw now :D
Oh nice, i've got TF2 now! You enjoying it?
atm downloading
tits or gtfo!
tits or gtfo!
no i have better things to do than sitting in pc AND ps3 playing all day
you're literally sitting in your pc? :D
ye but not WITH ps3! :P
actually I just work fulltime, and hang out with band / friends in the weekends. But after worktime it's really relaxting to just drop down on the couch with a beer and a bag of crisps, and just go online @ my ps3 (@ pc atm), play a game, watch youtube on my tv, watch a bluray movie, listen some music, etc etc...

:> (quite sure imma get some flaming in reply to this ;D)
i would do the same if i had a nice tv + ps3 tbh ^_^
smoke a cigg, its relaxing after work and ull do alot of peoples a favor in dying earlier :D
come play gta4 online with me & moffje
account names?

I'll be on again in approximately 30 minutes to an hour, then I'll add u :)
everybody is soo rich :(
PS3 is worth buying - best blue ray player on the market and you can update that shit easy. Besides you can watch movies on this and play some games x]
yeh uncharted is the best looking game so far this gen in my opinion, so colourful and detailed.
Not hard when every other next-gen game is brown!

I thought uncharted was shit, maybe because I did "dutch" in the beginning and the fucking idiots started doing every dialogue in dutch.
same, then I put it in English and it was fucking awesome. Dutch was hilarious though :D
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