Quote by gnajdaIt`s fucking bullshit. I`m banned because I had some 'ambot' actions in few matches in EC :D SERIOUSLY IT`S HORRIBLE!
i`M BANNED BUT ALL PPLS WHINING FOR ADMINS CB/KILERBOY/ETC. Only retards says :hahaha gnajda banned , but normal players know that this avi shows nothing. PLS BAN ALL PLAYERS NOW, WHO HAVE FEW NICE actions in EC :) lold

Quote by dummydummy wrote:
kilaboy, what a great proof X D I know that u hate gnajda so u turned on photoshop + red colour ? XD

what photoshop? are you drunk?

Quote by gnajdaehe, admins banned me for ag0n`s avi :D haha it`s fucking joke or smth :D THEY BANNED ME BECAUSE OF FEW FUCKING GOOD ACTIONS .

P.S now : ban butchji (becasue he got few nice actions :D:D:D) and maus, squall, kot, and fucking other peoples :))))

good job admins k3k3k3

reminds me of friendly russian humM3L! 8DD
and yes im bored
i no thats not ps ;)
He is so laughable...
oh god... Ducky! <3
Btw, why did the othe FF guys like wrobel ever want to play with gnajda and aima?
maybe he had convinced them that he was clear , played few times using hax gently,imo these ff guys are nice and prolly ther were looking for someone good on shrinking polish et cheat-scene.
He is the most succesfull cheater anyways :) He managed to
get into team of some old skool players and converted them : (

too bad FF . next time leave 10cents on the pavement or enjoy
skin disease again ... was it worth it ? he has been stinking since 2005
Something tells me that you are a pole. What could it be??
[21:24:44] [KiL|3rBoY] did you tell her you got cb banned?
[21:25:44] [FF|gnajda`] go awai, I dont want talk with u:)
[21:25:49] [FF|gnajda`] no time for it
[21:26:00] [KiL|3rBoY] thats what she said?

Quotereminds me of friendly russian humM3L! 8DD

That's exactly what I have said in CB comments,nice copying me!
sorry but who are you 8D
for gnajda Italian and Irish flag is teh same.. lohl
Stop talking about gnajda, he's just random polish lowskiller who got bitten by toxic spider, which then transformed him into superhero. Or not.
hmmmm malta imo 2nd UK : D with darker skin ofc ... because of the sun . Ancestors are about to disappear apparenlty (my mate went there few months ago ,my imo is based on his comments )

anyways i thought of italian and irish flag which are similar at first sight !
Well, i still think this is getting WAAAY out of hand! every single ET player will whine even more when he sees someone making a nice kill.

Its pretty obvious there is an allied near the tank when you hear the tank driving. That killerboy and all the other BUSTERSLORDS shouldnt go and play cod-series, they will slith their wrists within seconds!

Killerboy would be making avis all day long! He would even blame ppl cheating on LAN!
omfg fucking nice movie
ye well thats my point, in cod pretty much every kill is based on really quick mousemovement and having to think one step ahead of the enemy.. I dont see why ET players cant do that.

I mean gnajda is a shithead, filthy polak, but tbh he didnt cheat in that particulary game! I dont like busting ppl with demos.
this is ET, not CoD... one headshot =! kill

and there is nothing weird about that movie :p
wtf, you just said something that has as much meaning as air.

that doesnt take away how quick the mouse-movements are, ofc its not ET, but you also have to drag the mouse to someones head? No? COD is 10times more skilled than ET, just look how crazy reflexes he has.
Parent just looks more skilled since in ET if u do that, u wont get a guaranteed kill. Im saying that ET is a completly different game so its pointless to compare CoD gamesens with ET's. I agree that the game vs impact was somewhat less obvious and he was doubtfull there, but ive seen alot of other games where he was atleast 3x as obvious and im pretty sure they banned him based on that
It doesnt just "look" like that, ive played cod1 EC, believe me! It doesnt just "look" like that, cod=more skilled than ET, especialy when every single ET players starts whining if he gets owned.
..... Seriously, its just different. Did u ever play quake or UT or warsow? There reflex shots like that are just routine
hes a legend..
NOSHIT?! theyre banned? well, first i heard something about that;/
You must be somewhat retarded to not get my point!
Its basicly the first sentence-_-
he said no word about he is clear
why should he?
its people who want ban him business to prove that he is haxing. would you defend yourself if you were clean?
people really care about his statement
i know its late ;p
i would defend myself, yes, i would speak with all the people around who knows somethinga about busting and tell them there is a mistake, but he didnt
Who cares, Gnajda sounds like a name you make when buttonbashing.
Who's Gnadja, never heard :o
rumours say he's maus
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