whats all up to?

i just had exam, now im revising for tommorow... might get food, hmmmm
why ur name is again laika ?:/
rofl D: hahaha nice deal :D (what for u got banned?)
mean mean omg so mean <3 :D
exams over for almost a week now, just chilling, watchin some movies, gonna get lunch now, lookin for summer job later....
now everybody does body building or whatever?
good luck today :)
come jamaica, we need more sexy girls like you :$
<3 jamaica omg! r u waiting for me?:P
yes i am, i can pay you with ganja! ask the others from team ganja!
rofl :P but i don't need ganja :> i need weed :x
suck my dick and you get w33d 101
gtfo frenky!
who? rly who the fuck do you think you are novice
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nebuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(
doing nothing important. browsing teh mighty internets for random pics like this:
me2 ftw, i have the history oral monday :<<
History & Geography exam tomorrow, no pressure :)
Just got some sandwiches and a newspaper, been shopping already and now I am going to try and finish a column while listening to some music. No exams or anything, I finished university awhile ago.
just finished with the presentation! im free baby

nvc, i hope you'll fail btw :DDD <3
Woohoo, no revising for me! All exams went good, I got 6 from Swedish! \o/
And summer vacation, yay.
Pimping up my profile. I know you're jealous.
checking crossfire at work till 15:00 or smth then I have to listen to 4 presentations and drink some free beer after it :D
i had an exam today too ^_^
some one change my nick on crossfire ='(
waiting for someone(killerboi?) to interview me.
uhhh sexy :)
had some fosters .... knockered after nightshift :D

Soon off to bed but first NORTON ANTIVIRUS SCAN !

ive worked constantly 22 days ..no days off !! money obsession

benassi bros ''miles of love''
had my last exam this morning. enjoying the weekend now... monday back to the army.
smoking weed and checking useless journals. liek everyday
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