avi for teh whole night

hey boyz and gurls,

i finsihed my work in teh studio, chilled teh last week and now im avi for sume paly paly enemy territory 6o6 later in teh evening. so CARE pls, not!

sume infos bout me:

mature, yermish, funneh and atm low+ skilled :)

dont care bout language, im able to speak engrish well and ofc yermish, me only wants to have sume phun.

as expected, write down sume shit like

use irc
wtfomgrolf we care
or other shit

regards, leave me a pm here if ure interested.

also avi for smth besides et or not?
shit pic tbh -.-
image: mSBbgkZU0pdfCKR
i have the power of paint

*loading cs3*
pedobear has nothing to do with this picture !
wtfomgrolf we care
have fun
get gungy and mix later around 23 pm
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