starcraft @ hamachi :~>

well me and my friends trying to play starcraft @ hamachi but without success ....
first we configure the hamachi network to work on ipx protocol, after that we enter the game and tried to create room @ local network ipx and at local network udp and with both we didnt manage to see eachother room..

we also opened port 6112 which is for starcraft and that didnt help neither.

so any of you got any clue? thanks in advance =)
no clue.. but i wanna play 2!
no clue.. but i wanna play 2!
then download it !
there is a reply button...
i wont reply 2 times, instead i will make a comment that direct for both of them
dont reply to him, he's a bit retarded.
yes and you arent :D
should i take this badly ?
smart smart ..
turn off your firewalls
opening ports should solve this
warcraft 3 has the same problem, only way to solve it is to remove firewall, it doesnt matter if the port is open or not
windows firewall yes?
i just need to disable it
wtf not? Oo i got my firewall running + opened port 6112 and it works :F
could tell me the steps you did?
udp port or tcp and you talking about starcraft yes?
i got ipcop as router and just opened port 6112 and 6113 since this is for a programm that allows you to have a good ping no matter where you are from :o and then it just worked sorry dunno whats your prob :<
what is starcraft?
already done that, but he is offline
KILLERBOY!! why nickchange?
Try an older version of hamachi.
oh that retard, try to get him on some of your e-penislists
update to the latest version of starcraft and broodware first! ipx is not needed anymore.

i'll find that tutorial for you where it worked for me.

okay here we go:

the part that is really important is 11.

you need to force starcraft to use the ip of your hamachi account.

read carefully and feel free to ask me for help.
its already uptodate :>
i think :x
udp connection avi?

just try to connect to it will check your game version and download the updates automatically, even if you don't have a valid sc key.
check my editing at the first post...
i have vesion 1.15.2
i have a problem with line:
13. Click on "Browse" and find/select your "Starcraft.exe" file (In my case it's located at "C:\Custom Files\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe").

14. Go to the BEGINNING of the textbox and type in "forcebindip 5.x.x.x" where the x's are from your Hamachi IP. Click "Next".

like wtf can you plz take a picture :<
i'm on linux, i can't.

it's like this: go creat a shortcut and it has to run this command: "forcebindip 5.x.x.x (your hamachi ip goes here) "C:\Custom Files\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe"" (your location of the starcraft.exe goes here, and the file itself.)

you can also try to run it straight away, without the shourtcut shit. just run: "forcebindip 5.x.x.x (your hamachi ip goes here) "C:\Custom Files\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe"" (your location of the starcraft.exe goes here, and the file itself.)
so it should be like this

"forcebinip 5.x.x.x"C:\Custom Files\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe
more like this:

forcebinip 5.x.x.x "C:\Custom Files\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe"

when your starcraft is located in C:\Custom Files\Starcraft\StarCraft.exe

and you need to put your hamachi ip behind forcebindip!!!

image: run

thats the run box :p
it does not metter, we did clean install since i update the abyss patch and now we can play without any problems =D
thanks any way

gl, hf and gg then! :-)
wanna play with me?
my friend went to study :<
i'm unable to play on linux :x
Cohen, you know what you can do
pgl streams btw:
what it has to do with me and my friends problem?
im the ugly one in the pack ='(
but its not bad rly, i have big penis =D
Loekino busting cheaters, ET is dead. :Þ
maybe you are into boys :<
That's why i liked it so much! :Þ
Don't know, actually i was just playing with ALT+NUMBERS :µ
you cant make love to your cat ='(
your cat babies? =)
then i dont have any other ideas :<
maybe et?
olol impossible 8D
unless she is e-girl?
you are e-king here ='(
but dont forget this loekino !
e-penis is always smeller then irl-penis muhaha !8D
dont laugh about love for penises ='(
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