G5 Negative Mouseaccel Problem

Since I was only playing nerd-games (wow) and the mouse was expensive and fitted perfectly into my hand, I never ever thought it would be crap in any FPS.

So what can I do against negative mouse accelration taking place at like moron-mouse-speeds? Is there any logitech-wise fix for the G5 to not let it remain crappy for fps?

and ye, I gave away my 510 to my girlfriend so there's no option in getting a new one.

Edit: http://forums.logitech.com/rss/message?board.id=general_mice&message.id=1302

Anyways, to discribe the problem further: When I move my arm quite fast over the mousepad, there is some point when the laser cannot pick up the reflection anymore and it gets stuck as if you'd hit a wall with your mouse.

Updating firmware helped. Skipping remains a bit on black surfaces. Yet a known Problem :

After some quake3'ing I can only say: it fails with cloth pads I used to play with for so long. now I need to play with my table.

In fact it works fucking good without that everglide titan.

400 dpi

I heard there is some firmware to help with the accel (had g5 in the past myself) but I never used it.
I gave away my 510 to my girlfriend

i heard its better then flowers
Well, when I was at her PC I was like "WTF! I can't use that piece of plastic you call mouse.". And it was worn off.
And I'm still very grateful :)
if i will buy you the best pad there is, would you sleep with meh?
oh man, i nearly cried :D
400 dpi and on glass pads you always got mouseaccel, laser sucks
got a clothpad. Everglide Titan.
got the same pad as you! Im using the mx510
you poured salt in my wound!
man, gotta love the mx518 and the ime3's optical.
update firmware if your g5 is old, set 400dpi&500hz, use accelfix.exe in safe mode (if it doesn't work - use wcafix, though it makes your mouse fucking responsive and hard to track)
edit: oh i read up to the end, looks like the problem is in your mousepad or fucking ultralow sens
anyway laser mice suck :D
Allright, the skipping results one part from the black everglide titan mousepad which seems to let it skip. My white plain table works better.
New Loekino here:D
I'm older than you and Loekino together, son.
firmware up normal sens m_yaw 0.022 in game
Had that aswell with the accelfix.exe, It's shit imo so I used it to enable the mouseaccel again and downloaded the cpl mousefix, applied the mousefix and it's fine, Dont even need to use middle winsens, using the forth without problems now.

Also could be the surface but tbh I had it on Qck+, funcmat F10 and Qpad CT so imo it's just the shitty accelfix. Hope that helps, gl :>
Okay, updating the firmware helped a bit. Now it even works on the cloth pad without that many glitches/skips.
RaSen, da war ein firmware update fur die g5 serie so ca. 1 Jahr zuruck, wenn ich mich einnern kann war das von 1.0 -> 1.2 oder so etwas, er hilfte mit dem laser auf weissem oder glattem pads.
Schau mal was fur firmware deine mouse jetzt hat, da ist ein tool auf der Logitech page irgentwo.

Ich hab auch bemerkt das wenn ein haar vor laser sensor ist da hat die mouse auch die tendenz fur grossere negative acc.
jo nun funktionier es halbwegs - bin mal in quake3 das testen.
QuoteLet me try to sumarize this: G5 = worstestestest logi mouse ever

my dad likes g5! :D
Your dad is not fps gamer 8D
Sure he is :D
He plays fps only lol
lulz. what kind of games?
he plays much cod1,2,4, bf2 , qw and solitaire xD
Don't tell me he knows what dpi and mouse rate - hz means.
he doesnt care about it.
Your father must be kewl 8D
Why he doesn't play et? :¬]
he doesn't like it =D
You could open a clan with him x'D
XD we cant play together then. He's using my pc :D
Oh, i see :(
Update firmware, apply accelfix, use direct input, use 500Hz or higher (as long as its stable), use the 6th notch in windows mouse settings. Disable accel in drivers.
n1 profile picture.
I have the same with my razer :) negative accel at Qpad but not at desk

(1600 DPI 500Hz) it's prolly cause because of my dpi but gonna stick with it since I never do very fast movements with my mouse, my sens is high enough for that :)
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