Digital Olympic Games Announced!

A few months after we brought an announcement about the Digital Olympics, which were planned to take place in China at the same time as the traditional Olympic Games in Beijing, we can now bring further information about the games that will be played, the qualification process and some shocking news about the finals, with one key similarity to the Olympic Games courtesy of Don King of the GGL!
lol she cheated on him xD
nice one sherlock
i wasnt explaining...
yes you were
original retort, that has to be said. too bad it doesn't make you look more intelligent.
trying to say i was trying to explain while i wasnt makes you the fool not me :O)
wether or not you wanted to is not the point, you gave a verbal explanation of the hidden joke, which is defined as "explaining".
consider it as thinking out load =)
i saw a joke, understood the punch line, and say it out load for my own laugh
there is no explaining since i only say the punch line, not ther things that led to it !
I'm actually surprised.

I didn't think it was possible for people to have such stupid logic.
or you just cant think out of the box
No, I still stand by my first point.
well if you cant think out of the box, than you cant see other point then yours :O)

bibuy gonna check stuff in et :o
perhaps you should accept the fact that thinking out loud is just plain stupid when considering "out loud" actually means "rationally typing"
you are dealing with semantics...
call it whatever you want but in the end...
u, sir! we need to have a talk!
pm on xfire, i don't use irc
i rly wasnt trying to explain ='(
i didnt explain anything about anything untill you explained!!!
What a joke.
Yeah lemme spent 5000euros to go to win a lan and then come back with nothing but a meda...
ET is the only olympic game together with cod4 and CS
You must be one crazy Euro/Americano to compete there.
what's the difference between this and WCG?
WCG is good :P
lol burnout paradise, i was rank 5 in the world at one point till i got bored of it - professional gamer.
no prizemoney? and players have to pay their own trip, fucking awesome :DD. I could go for NHL08
Desperate for traffic? :D
Well ofcourse if I write something I would like to benefit from it slightly, and seeing as no-one else has run the story I don't think its a problem, else I would have just not posted anything on Xfire and people don't know about it ;)
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