cybergames again

i wanna get unbanned.. where can i find some cg admin or something.. irc chan ?
same here...
I bet you're banned for a very very very bad reason.
i have no idea why i am banned.. i just tried to join server and it said that im banned by admin.. i wasnt kicked or anything
pm me for answer
shit unhitable public ruined by italians and polaks
And Spanish :$
there are barely italians
best pub ever
go watch the game!
I'm not liked there, that's why I play there.
im banned there too :(
miks oot saanu bannit sinne?:D
ei mitään hajua
kannattais kokeilla niite mirc kannult

edit: ei niil kai ookkaa kannuu:D nettisivut kyl on
Mäkin saanut sielt kerran bannit ja kun kysyin adminilta niin sesano et kaikki saa automaatisesti banaania jos pelaa nickil, jota ei voi kikkiä... eli "?" yms. Ite sain pois ku meilasin [email protected]

e: joo on vanha topicci mut piti vaa infota
use ur influence! :L
Yeah would be nice to get unbanned from there as well :O)
just go play hirnlos or something
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