Isn't this ironic

A Polak makes poland loose

they are rly doomed:D
2-0 that's my bet!!! so no more goals pls
2-0 that's my bet!!! so no more goals pls
2-0 that's my bet!!! more goals pls
2-0 that's my bet!!! more goals pls
germany win with 2 goals difference 1/4 at bookys for 5 euro
GO 20 euro GO

edit: WOOHOO!
1-0 that's my bet!!! less goals pls
2-0 that's my bet!!! so no more goals pls

You can't be more German than Klose or Podolski. Germany growed them up, influenced them, taught them playing Football and made them what they are. Both feel exactly 0 per cent Polish, they just have the respect for their kinswoman, which they missed sometimes by a few Polish.
it is still funy
0 percent polish? Mabye Klose, but not Podolski. u should know that every year he coming to poland on vacation,he useing polish language at home and he has a polish girl.
wanna be my polish girl?
Of course, I know that. A big part of his family is living in Poland so it's normal. He said exactly:"I was born in Poland, a big part of my family lives in Poland. So this country has a part of my heart. But I don't feel Polish in any way, but it is the deserved respect."
Podolski never says he doesnt feel polish. Show me this interview, then i will belive u.
He just said exactly this in german television after this game. He just want to show respect, cause his father was in stadium with polish friends and stuff.
so he change his mind? once time he saing this, and another time smth rly different? strange for me. hes not that kinde of person.
Believe what you want. Useless to discuss with you or any other one on here.

All that counts is that he actually plays and played for Germany and Germany won against Poland.

Face it!
i never said i have a problem with this. Just making some discusion with u.
Another laughable comment, l6l. You don't know anything about both, the fact that they're speaking the language makes em at least 50% polish, they learned the mentioned language in their early life.
Where is the laughable part?
Read my comment again.
Your entire comment!
Good one :DDDD
More detailed please. I can understand that you guys are disappointed, but talking all the time that they are Polish is just bullshit. And nothing of my text is wrong.
I don't feel disappointed at all, I expected that kind of score. I'm not talking that they're Polish all the time either. Klose left Poland when he was 9, I assume that's what makes him 0% Polish in your eyes :-)

Also, read sol's comment.
I think I know much more about them than you. Did u know that Podolski went to Germany, when he was 2 years old? :P So much about that...

It's logical that he learned Polish aswell, because of his parents. And what the hell are you talking. Speaking a language makes u 50 % a nationality. So decem is Britain, Australian, American, Canadian etc?
Still laughable. The fact that his whole family/pedigree is polish and he was born there makes him a 'polish player'. He learned the language or his parents forced him to learn it, because they were convinced to live their life in poland, they had no plans to emigrate. As you already mentioned, your knowledge about them is greater than mine, you base that on what?

Just face it and stop talking bullshit about facts you don't have a clue, 5 minutes ago Podolski said that he's polish in his heart.
Actually you can be more German than Klose and Podolski. Wanna know how? By being born and raised in Germany and having a German mother and father.

But I assume you know them well enough to be able to claim that they both 'feel 0% Polish', indeed Podolski's flamboyant goal celebration certainly gives credence to that idea.
You have a nationality, or you don't have one. You also can't be a bit pregnant. You are pregnant, or you aren't, simple as.

It's just up to ur definition. Of course they feel with Poland, because they were born there and because many things of their life are related to Poland. And that is cool and ok. A very good action of Podolski. But they aren't Polish.

I don't like the focussing on nationalities anyway. But "they are Polish" excuses are annoying...
It's not about the nationality, it'a about their identity, about their 'polish identity'. In addition it's about the norms and ethical values they've learned and experienced in their early life.
You do realize that if you emigrate to a specific country you have to secure many connections, because you don't know anyone? Everything is foreign and you try to keep a strong connection with your family to survive a hard time (I know what I'm talking about, my parents also emigrated to germany and I was young, I guess I know how podolski and klose feel, I experienced the same). He was 2 years old and was still raised like a polish guy, because his parents still had the polish visions and they didn't were integrated yet. You have to be stupid if you think that his parents impropriated german norms and ethical values right after they went to germany.
I make it short as I have to react to too many people. You think that Poland influenced him more than Germany?

He went with 5 in a German School. Found German friends. Got mainly influenced by Germany and the German society. Of course there are some Polish influences....but nobody ever doubted that.

Lukas decided to play for Germany with 15 already, when nobody could ever know that he will even make it to the u19 national team.

So if you think that he is Polish and not German then take more of your pills.
QuoteBoth feel exactly 0 per cent Polish

QuoteOf course there are some Polish influences....but nobody ever doubted that.

You're quiet upset, you actually start to forget about the things you've mentioned.
Your latest comments doesn't make any sense. I'll leave this conversation, because you're narrow-minded and can't accept the truth, bibuy.

Both have polish identities, both have polish families. Ethnically both are polish (today and till their end of life), there's no argument against this thesis.
QuoteOk it is (wrong) in that way I expressed it.

My point is and was that they are Germans. Saying a Pole would score for Germany is bullshit, simple as. And that was exactly the message of this journal.
wie peinlich du doch bist
Ab ins Sonnenstudio, Sonnenbank-Flavour du kleiner Hurensohn.
Wer bist du überhaupt? :'(
Geh heulen wegen deiner toten Schwester, du drecks Deutsch-Pole.
Du bist nicht zufällig junky-failure? :DDDDDDDDDD
Ein Fail nach dem anderen, wann hört das endlich auf? :DDDDDDDDDD
Da muss ich dich enttäuschen. Junky der Gangstaspast, der ist mindestens genauso peinlich wie du.
Dann zeig mal deine dicken Eier du Gangsta und äußere dich mit deinem richtigen Namen, du krasser fl4mb13r3r yO. Auch wenn du nicht junky sein solltest, was ich bezweifle, bleibst du der failure-boy. Du bist nicht in der Lage zu argumentieren, als gebürtiger DEUTSCHER gegen einen DEUTSCH-POLEN.

Peinliches Stück Dreck.
Ich bin nicht Junky. Das ist mein real acc. Du kennst mich nicht, ich kenne dich auch nur von deinen dummen Comments hier. Ich bin gebürtiger Belgier...

Also was willste mit meinem Namen? Kommste mein Auto klauen?
Ich wollte eigenlich dein Solarium in Beschlag nehmen, möglicherweise sogar deinen 1€-Schmuck. Aber danke, dass du so eifrig meine Comments verfolgst, Fan. 8D
Scheinst dir ganz toll vorzukommen, mit deinen Comments in Hochdeutsch mit richtiger Kommasetzung und so. Fühlste dich stärker/schlauer damit?

Du bist bestimmt mega das Weißbrot wie alle anderen Polaken auch. Sonnenbad würde dir gut tun, komm vorbei, ich spendier dir ne runde.
Natülich bin ich toll, wer sich nicht für besonders hält, hat definitiv Komplexe. Ich gehöre zur Elite, ich bin die Zukunkt.

Ich werde mal ins Bett gehen und noch etwas im Duden nachschlagen, um meine Kenntnisse zu optimieren. Gute Nacht du Pfeife, cu wlan.
Is ja drollig, na dann mal gute nacht Polake.
So if having a nationality is like being pregnant, then what is dual-citizenship? A lunch-break during an abortion?

Podolski is half-Polish and would have been equally entitled to represent them, before being capped for Germany. I don't see how you interpret that is being an excuse, nor how it can even be used as such. From what I can see people are just pointing out the irony of a Pole defeating the Polish in a football match.

To say you 'can't be more Germany than [them]', and that 'they feel 0% Polish' is just wrong.
QuoteSo if having a nationality is like being pregnant, then what is dual-citizenship?

It's not the same. It's just a so called comparison.

Both are Germans. A German as me or Butchji, not more, not less. Dual-citizenship is like having twins. Someone who has also another passport isn't less a German. And just because they were born in Poland aren't they less German than me. So it's true that u can't be more German than them.

Quotethat 'they feel 0% Polish' is just wrong.

Ok it is in that way I expressed it.
Why are you deviating from your initial point? Initially you implied that they're completely homogenised Germans, which simply isn't true - Podolski, for example, was born of Polish parents in Poland, and only qualifies to play for Germany as a result of being naturalised. He is ethnically Polish and that's not an excuse, and while on the subject of excuses, could you clarify as to how that may even be used as an excuse?

But now you're talking about it from a legal point-of-view. I'm fully aware that if someone is a citizen of a certain country then, from a technical standpoint, a fellow citizen isn't any more or less associated with that country, that's pretty fucking obvious - it's not like certain citizens are granted specific priveleges as a result of being born within the country.
The location of birth isn't making a nationality.They are German from both views.

Both are Germans from the official side. (passport) And Germany is THE NATION, which influenced them mainly, which made them mainly what they are.

So saying a pole would score for Germany is wrong in any way.
"once cheater, always cheater. Once Polack, always Polack"
someone said that, but to bad dont remember who;)
well in Formular1 a Poland driver wins with a Germany car and in football a Poland player brings Germany the win...

isn't it ironic ? :D
idd xD
we are always loosers;)
don't forget who taught Podolski how to play, if he grew up in Poland, he would be an epic failure
or mabye not? u dont know this. Ppl says hes born with talent in his legs;)
Yes, of course, but you still need to develop it and get scouted and stuff. Chances were much bigger to achieve that in Cologne than in Poland.
Like a country could influence somebody's talent in a bday way.
yes it does, read my reply to Fasolka
I lol'd about that Brazilian guy in the Polish national team.
thats just big mistake:)
he actually played pretty good, imo best "Polish" player in this match
I still dont like him ;)
no problem, as long as you like me ;-)
then okeJ;)
Not really, Lewandowski was great tonight.
Please, he was atrocious.
Great?:D with that 3 badly shots?:P
if you remove do from podolski you have polski. I would say illuminati !!!
if you remove f from your face you get your ace
Wasn't the land which is now called Poland some time ago one of the "germanst" regions of Germany?

Just bullshit to discuss about the nationality of a player, especially if he has it for such a long time.
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