BT's Fair usage policy

At the begining of june bt slapped a restiction on my account to limit the speed of my boardband in peak times. i.e the times when i use the internet most. it was no problem i just rang up complaints and the guy lifted the restrictions.

The thing is though i'm not a heavy downloader, we do have 3 pcs connected with different users but 104gb in march...

jan 42.3
feb 77.2
march 104.3
apr 61.1
may 59.6

that the monthly usage in GB since jan, does anyone top those limits?

stinks tbh that bt can restrict your internet without even telling you.
lol bandwidth limitations
i feel the pain of bandwith limitations :(
Only countries with bandwidth limitations in Europe are Portugal & Belgium but we're working on it.

Belgian communication monopoly is just LOL! :)
It seems (looking at america right now) like soon ISP's will start introducing bandwidth limitations again.
This "seems" like your first "non-sarcastic" comment in years xD
Malta has limitations too

40GB from 6am till 00:00

FREE from 00:00 till 6am

je, pretty lol....
kzen kei goe bezig op uwe site :DD
I take a couple uppers, I down a couple downers, but nothing compares to these blue and yellow purple pillllls
I beat those limits by about 100GB (off/peak) each limits, but I'm with a good ISP :P

I've been taking it easy this month :{

image: enta
i dont think that any country can beat czech limits (hi to czech telecunt). Good i dont have telecom and i have unlimited inetz :o (but only 1/1 mbit :( ). But who cares as long as i can download 24/7/365 without anyone being like "lulz, u should rly stop downloading". Yet my bandwidth is like 20GB a month :D

edit: lulz i see telecom (o2, whatever) dont have any more limits :D. Like few months ago the limits were like 4gb a week :D
If you're not from Belgium or Portugal you have no right to complain

Just read BT's fair usage policy.

Go for Virgin's 10 MB/s man, it's all done via fibre rather than bog standard copper cables and I don't think there are any bandwidth restrictions on it.
BT are bastards when it comes to stuff like this. I was with them for 2 years until they changed my package without even telling me. £27 a month for 15gb download limit and would limit the speeds if i went over that. I tried to swith ISPs and they wouldnt give me the migration code and then disabled my line for a month. NICE ONE BT. 100gb is a lot by BT standards.
Virgin Media sent us a letter too saying exactly the same thing.
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