score @ mass effect :~>

lol so here is the deal, one female alien from my ship is totaly have a crush on me and she want us to have sex =(
she was many years alone without any ppl around her so she want some of my commander "skillz" ^_^
image: img_d2230eee4604c52ba2b74a50088ca61b
image: img_d1116e6b916230cf3db08012ea1fae61

but i love Ashly, she is human :< and she rly jealous that i talk to the alien female ^_^
always try to laugh on her =D
she is rly cute and stuff :<
image: img_736302a9492b2fc89a01f08d431a014f

anyway im on my way to kill the alien female mother which is the evil person in the plot :o
so its gonna be though :< then i need to kill the master evil :ooo
btw im playing on windows mode cuz my computer sux xD
EDIT: lolz i ask the alien female how she is mating and she told be they are mating thourh the minde lolz told her to fuck off :XD
good luck.

+i sow this with mating in an old movie with aliens :D
but why would i want to fuck each other brain =(?
if i would like to fuck my brain, i will go study literature instead of playing mass effect =d
lol u play this game all day?
yea its fucking awsome ! :D
me 2 :D
but thing is... i didnt take it THAT seriously =\
lol why you didnt tell me you play it ?!
but its rly funny and addicted, i rly love games in that genre =)
can't thank you enough for this <333
what class should i take btw?
hmm i donno rly
it depends how you add the points :>
just take what suits you
kk =D prolly gonna play as soldier then, since i already played a bit with that class
i was soldier at start, but now i choose biotics
on the start always increase your charm+imtimidation to the max so you can buy things rly easy and convince ppl to give you more money in missions
what's most important for getting fast to the sex scenes? :~>

:DDD just joking

btw what fix do i need now?
omg right !
crack fix hurry dont do anything without it !
wait i will upload it
lol after you finish 3 main missions on varmire ferus and the other one
lol i play since shabat and already banged teh soldier girl :>
I lik gewish engrish vely mug
i espacialy liek teh blue
she is so sexy in light armor mark VI :)
haha, I had the same problem when I played it on the 360. I ended up hitting it though (got to promote intergalactic acceptance!)

There's a decision where you can make it up to Ashley later :)
yea Ashley rly like me now =D
although i rly want to tell her to shut up with all her clasic poatry xD
to bad the game is pretty easy:<
and that your pretty stupid
ashly will die btw
fucking liar, i dont belive you :<<<
ok you can choose :[
what tell me plz :<
in my case, someone else died :D
its either ashley or kaidan, i chose to save ashley so i can have sex with her later :D
ye but kaidan was way better + i like aliens
no he's not he is just a useless cunt, ashley can shoot
erm dude those magic powers are way better then shooting. and i can know cause i pwned the game
me 2, and those "magic powers" are a lame copy of the FORCE
might be but they fucking own + when u have handgun at full (no overheat power) strengh ull pwn everything easy
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