$199 3G iPhone expected

QuoteUSA Today reports today in a lengthy piece about the new iPhone. They expect according to their sources that the iPhone 2.0 would be selling for only $199.

The $199 price of the iPhone would be of course subsidised by AT&T and sure require a new contract.
USA Today states as launch date of the new iPhone Summer. Our expection based on various shipment rumors is that it will even go on sale today or end of this week already.

USA Today highlights the new possibilities users will have with Applications for the iPhone based on the new iPhone SDK.

Apple sucks anyway
you fucking suck. Away and listen to your rage against the machine and be rebelious as ever.

still love you though.. now fucking move on irc or xfire.. or something FFS
kinda cheap
I thought the same, but thats the price for when you get a contract! (so expensive actually)
ill buy mine in Singapore
i think i shall be picking up a load of these to sell unlocked and sim free ;)
how does that work?
moar info pl0x!
they limit it to 2 per credit card
ill know more when i return to Asia
The keynote speach is today, everything prior to that is just rumour.
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