New iPhone?

image: main_overview20080609

Phone, iPod, Internet, and more.

Introducing iPhone 3G. With fast 3G wireless technology, GPS mapping, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange, and the new App Store, iPhone 3G puts even more features at your fingertips. And like the original iPhone, it combines three products in one — a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough Internet device with rich HTML email and a desktop-class web browser. iPhone 3G. It redefines what a mobile phone can do — again.

Phone, iPod, and Internet in one fast 3G device. Starting at $199.

Only $199 = €127 for this beauty? What do you think?
saw it on zeh news in jamaica, you can but it for 100 gram ganja
I hope your alter ego smokes an OD very very soon! :)
and im very pro at your EC game!
$ 199 101.162 £ 209.667 AUD 205.226 CHF 31,542.02 HUF 951.844 DKK 1,377.87 CNY
As a bonus with that comes awesome 2 year contract!
Anyways, if my ipod touch doesn't arrive, i'll probably get one of these as my mobile phone is really old.
Hebt gij der ene besteld ofwa?
Nope, but i'll think about it next month :)
iam getting one!
Starting at $ 199 doesn't have to mean you already can get all the stuff in the cheapest version. And there's probaly gonna be a contract to it as well.
Probably but the price drop is huge compared with the first generation iPhones :)
I despise Apple anyway, so it doesn't matter to me :P
rafiki i kind of don't believe that a device like this can cost 127€

IMO the GPS isn't included in the 127€ version, since GPS costs these days between 150 and 300 (even 400 for the best tomtom Go).

Either you are talking about a cheap lite version, or I need to review my buying decision (HTC Touch Diamond
dont buy a female phone!
Apple stands for female but whole the world buys it :)
but hey u need a bag to carry that phone..its just way too big and imo its nothing for a mid 20 guy...we drink and fall too much for such a sensitive thing :p
mmm, i like it but my pockets are already full of crap nowadays :)
btw, from which movie is the snapshot for your profile pic? The bachelor? xD
lol? its some promo foto of a german ex-talkmaster -_-
Andreas Türk ftw!
apple stands for gayness ;)
i think it costs more than 127€
got the old one for few months now but dont use it alot cos i dont wanna break it xD
ge kunt daar de meest zalige spellekes opspelen e :p kende labyrinth? da emmek al volledig uitgespeeld tijdens de les :DD
ja ij ownt op zich wel, ma zo fragiel.. vriend van mij laat die 1 keer valle, bam barst door sherm :p
haha :DD tis echt wel show ding, ma as ge der voorzichtig mee zijt dan krijgde keen krassen want da scherm is toch zo speciaal gemaakt ofzoiets vertelde ne m8 van mij me
ja da wel ma krassen zijn geen barsten eh dude :DDD tis zo vanbinnen dat zo gekraakt is gelijk :p wel owned op zich want die kan er niets meer aan doen
:DD dag 300€!
valt wel mee hoor.

ik heb em al een keertje van de trap laten vallen (met hoesje) en niks aan.

ook een keer gewoon laten vallen, ook niks aan.
you got lucky, ken er veel van wie hij kapot is door 1 maal te laten vallen :)
ja, als hij juist slecht valt... dan heb je pech natuurlijk!
i got a first generation iPhone for months.

shame the 3G isn't on that one...
lol nice! think I'm gonna buy that :)
127 E ? order mine !
you will never get it at 127€ in europe!!
the 200$ are only for america...
the older version cost like twice as much here as in america :-(
The UK o2 wesite states the price on contract is a maximum of £99 for the 8Gig version so 127euros sounds about right :)

I have been waiting for this to be released as the lack of 3G on the previous model was an issue for me. Roll on July 11th !
Consume kills.
I'll finally be buying one, was a little too much for the first gen, but it's now gone down in price and improved a little so £100 will be a bargain.
Apple powah \o/
199$ is if you buy AT&T contract + apple are gonna be sponsored by AT&T or smth so it wont be much more cheap :[
looks very cheap ;o
I'm planning to buy it from ebay in few months.
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