iPhone (ger)

Ich will mir ein iPhone in Amerika kaufen.
Wer damit Erfahrungen hat oder Tipps bitte pm, danke :)
Warte noch damit, soll angeblich bald (deutlich) billiger werden.
Warte noch damit, soll angeblich bald (deutlich) billiger werden.
130 € wirds kosten in Deutschland. Die 8 GB-Variante. Dem schwachen Dollar sei dank.
i bought my iphone in america (the first version).

no problems.

i bought it in an official applestore, and they didn't accept cash. so bring a credit card to be safe
i think he meant shipment from us to germany.
Actually I do know americans who can buy it for me, but I'm not sure what problems are upcoming e.g. the service if it's broken or w/e.
well then its easy. just let them buy it, if something's wrong send it back to the americans u know. the only downside to this story is IF it is broken u'll have to wait much longer till u get a new 1.
I love mine, will certainly be upgrading to the new model when it comes out on July 11th!
I'm planning to buy it from ebay in a few months.
I will be changing from Orange to O2 in July. The addition of 3G and a large price drop make it impossible to resist!
iphone sucks, only 2megapixel cam + other useless stuff
If you want a take high quality pictures, buy a real camera.

What useless stuff are there in iPhone which make it so bad?
they way u use it e.g. and imo its kinda "Bonze"-like, and nothing for normal uses..

but if some1 wanna have a mobile phone with touchscreen i would prefer w960i by sony ericson.

gonna buy this in a few weeks
ich denk über dasselbe nach...mach im juli urlaub drüben und werd mir vlt. eins oda zwei kaufen, sofern ich dann die karte von meinem jetztigen handy dort reingeben kann, sprich den vertrag umgehen kann.
Hanfi hat ein iPhone
kaufe jetzt und zahl mit spielgeld
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