searching for a demo

so I have been searching whole day for some CDC demos, I already found almost all demos, except one CDC3 demo.

The Last Resort vs d&b (group stage)

if somebody has it then pmme me here

thx in advance.

ps. what is the record time made on bremen? we made 3:11 against iHero on CDC3 + we captured flag 20 secs after the round started =D.

ps2. the new gamestv thing owns hard!
Quote by Matiasps. what is the record time made on bremen? we made 3:11 against iHero on CDC3 + we captured flag 20 secs after the round started =D.

sqzz did it in 12secs if im not mistakin
he make in some pracc 2:59 ;)
I did it in 11.98 secs if im not mistakin
epic reply fail
i wanna u96d vs parodia
q couchor @ >DD
i want strafe
sqzz has the record for it, he just made a run from spawn to flag
he's just unhittable!
what dpi is mAus using?
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