
lolz Lio ? ;o
Experienced squad
2 weeks max
Skilled players.
nice joke, bibuy
1-2 weeks
Management :


Going 4 EC
Barring mmf and desire this would be EC's biggest disgrace.
I wish you guys the best of luck and a long-living under oXmoze !
+ twinz = 2 weeks max
Lio only EC worthy player.
What a waste of a perfectly fine multigaming clan :(
gl :<

ohya twinzz -> 2 weeks cya!
NICE! gl, more teams should be proggresive and dont be shy to give a try in known multigaming
:S they cant be better then medskill :S
gl twinzzy <3
2 weeks max
GL but 2weeks team.
as if half of the team will take it serious
probably only 1 guy
uNk? :D:D:D
mega failure:DDDD

image: 24825BP~First-Step-Toward-Failure-Posters
2weeks + 2low

image: labels=0

HAHA again a twinzz clan :D 2days
i havent played 3 months and im still better then twinz
Germany uNk

Hey, thanks. I hope we do get a nice time in this wonderful multi gaming. It isn't a secret anymore who the 2 new guys are, who recently got recruited by me, The following players named

¤Lio - Ex cZar, a very known player in the Belgium and European scene.
¤ Dio - Ex n1ce, a very known player, and he did prove how good he could be on the last CDC

sad wnb
you call someone a "sad wannabe" and you are the busted cheater :XXDDD
your point lol? oh i see, according to you, they are unknowns, so let's flame them because they joined a so-called famous team (ive never heard of it tho)


image: internet-24591

the truly and only disgrace here is uNk, he shouldnt even be allowed to join any teams :-)
permis dans la poche.

oXmoze had a good cod4 team once, probably cause thats why theyre uberfamous
my point? dunno what it is, just posted this lup here
finally something funny on xfire :DDDDDD
haha twinzzyy is going to fail AGAIN
i've said it once i'll say it again: it looks like everything twinzzZy touches turns into shit
i hope thats not again such a team of twinzzy... he gets some tryouts , let them make 1 or two trains and then he just joins a clan and tells around the lineup.... but no one ever said smth about joingn :o

if not -> GL twinnzzy,lio,dio
It has been said that we are only playing with this lineup for this summer. Currently trailing for LAN. And no not 1/2 days :P
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