your first ET server? #2


ChickenFarmHouse..LastManStand.. and only fueldump if i remember correctly..

And urs?

image: 1158225557_popup_2006september%20funny%20zebra%20voor%20weblog

soz about #2, thaugt #1 whas disapeared from the list..
either you haven't bin playing ET for so long, or your pretty good at remembering useless stuff :O
Why useless stuff?
well pretty much because im to stupid to remember where i played ET for the first time about 4 years ago
didn't you just launch ET and go in the server with the most players on it at that moment? i know i did, took me hours to download that crap on it
nop.. i just always played fueldump only :) sometimes lms.
well same.. but the real first time was just some random on the list.
also cant be arsed to remember such stuff (same with school ofc)
I remember my 1st ET server - 'noname' polish etmain ffa called PiToN, after 2 weeks we had etpro and after a few months server died forever. Anyway, was nice to play there because I met some nice people - sad that their ego is so high now (not all of them are egoboys of course :P).
hmm, prolly just a random 6map campaign starting in oasis. But my first pub ever whas on RtCW <3
dunno...just remember of some san jose [email protected] that wasnt the first...its only the first i remember
*LTKT* Public Server (doesnt exist anymore)
copying night journals mist be cool!
its not copying, its a continuation of that other journal.
and why the fuck u wanna to do that?
BoomTown publics, the best Danish publics ever!
haha same here best time ever
I remember when I first time connected to random server. That was baserace and when I saw randomguy with 400xp I thought "OMG WHAT A PRO PLAYER"
Same here (about xp). The 1st time I had more than 400xp I asked if I will loose it. I was so sad when they said "yes" ;(.
lold at the pic
used to rape UPT pro server on 2.55 ;< and on 2.60 SJAPPIES
sjappie server ken ik ook nog, alleen speelde er niet zo vaak.. TeamFraggers public speelde ik ook vaak.. maar werd ik gebanned.. ik zou cheaten volgens hun. :)
i remember UPT :D
weedman server <3
*=DCM=* server
soem yank server called shitstorm - anarchy. then sjappies
Finland Verkkogurut
eug etmain
My own homehosted [eu]clanserver, ohh, those were the days. I could make all the other players ping over 500 while I had ping 5 and then pwn them. Although, it felt bad when a real life Finland friend send me an sms message that he is connecting to the server, but it's full, and I had to kick someone out just to make space for my friend.
-(TSS)- and/or [XFN] XD
I remember playing on Italy W server, later I was playing @ [*EU*] United Soldiers of Europe ownage campaing server best evah!!!!
agree... that server was so nice :(
[nWo] Titty Twister
ET server called


best server ever.
tru it pwned it was in red right?
yep :D:DD:D:D:
i remember that one ;D
i remember this server :D
was there too!
must have been juhu massive server, dunno exctly
I think I joined an empty server with battery on it
United States of America =ShitStorm= eXtreme
Netherlands Dutchbat XPSAVE & sjappie servers only fueldump and terror crew germany pub
Joeps 4 pro with Max lives @ 10! ( 2.55)

sjappie servers were my first @ 2.6 or soo ( i thought they also had servers @ 2.55)
Kopfnuss !
Dutchbat, Fg| (my first clan) and FDNL. FDNL was my favorite public back in the day, even when ET was really competitive and there was a real cluster of good public servers. Moved on Bi0 and now U|K since you can guarantee it will be full most of the time, though the average intelligence level of the players is dangerously low.
journal stealer x[
i think i started playing active on a pub at rly old times with Europe EU-Clan

with h0mer,duke,trinity,p3rf,.... i dunnow they had alot of members.
and i also played sometimes at when i joined
Ludo Fuelbuster ftw
GMC Kaffeebude ^^
941 ID Server
or might have been some other number =D

another one where i was very often was the [*EU*] Clanserver. Unfortunately its dead now :(
often also the sjappje server
6th floor CMDR server with RedDragon as nickname :) good times.
Tiscalie servers '04 =D
Some random etmain server.
+|IS|+ Public XPSAVE

universalQuest - Server (all of them :x)
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