looking fora new monitor

hello i want to buy a new monitor but i dont know what one to buy i was looking to this one: Samsung 22" Wide Syncmaster T220 is that good or is there something better?

my budget is 300 euro

help would be realy nice

edit: i also want to be flat because i dont have many room on my desk
buy a random 19 or 21" CRT --> ownage!
you just suck with a tft! :D
"buy crt"
i dont have many room for crt so i want a flat
sony multiscan FW900
LOELZ you have monitors there in Polakland?
ragnja is sixtus (shhhhhhhh)!!
why are you do this every post you do shit comment at me
Probably because your english is shit. Go to school once in a while..
i do but english is very hard
i have samsung 22" and this rocks
I only had three in my live... 15 inch nonamae 12 years ago,19 inch
noname 4 years ago and ASUS tft at the moment.
Im in love with mine despite all the weak sides of tft screens
(low refresh,native resolution,view angle)
i am not gnajda he got banned and i dont
for what???u banned now!

try tennis.
i am not banned how do you think that?
-u r polak
-Member For: 4 days
-u r nick looks like gnajda

...and u r still asking???

yes because people do shit to me and i dont deserve
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