Weekly Esport with Tosspot

older than min grandmothers dad
very nice to watch, i liked it and cant be very old
when will this show be broadcasted @eurosport? :)
they posted it before i did lol :x

That was filmed yesterday
Hands on the table, wooo ! I'm not frustrated anymore
GJ anyway :o)
Tosspot, you are a very skilled man. Well done:)
I must admit that I am. Both of his administrative skills but also performing infront of cameras and microphones while hundreds and even thousands are watching/listening.
next week you can talk about cdc not paying the prices.
nice tosspot
wow a huge improvement on episode 1. You put a lot more passion in your speech the way I know you from shoutcasting. One tip though, grab a pen instead of having empty hands so you don't clap your hands or grab your fingers. Oh and just use a dim-light effect at the end like any regular news program? since you only have 1 fixed camera :)

keep it up
old 4 me :l
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