cod 4 net settings and hacks :/

is it just me or has the level of hacking (or rather the failer of punkbuster) got really bad in the last month or two. i mean i was just on a public server, guy was on 50-4, getting headshot after headshot with an mp5, you know one of those "snap aim" things that is really obvious. and no punkbuster kicking him or anything. it sucks, its so hard to find a good game on cod4 without someone doing something that makes you go "wtf". cod2 was never this bad, rarely did i think anyone hacked in cod2. now its insane almost.

and on another note, since ive been upgraded to 10mb (512k upstream) my hit registration has be awful, but i have no clue on what are good net settings for my connection, any ideas?

*sigh* fucking shitty game, this close to giving up!!

tempting lol
Hmm I have no clue >< but dont give up!!
Why shouldnt he give up? The game is full with cheaters!
Cause there are still clean players like me you know!!
Your not playing CoD4!
i agree with the hacking part, that is why i quited cod4 and trying to change it to a 1.6/css key.
at last, i know how people are hacking!

6; LoZz: ./statgetindvar 1 sv_cheats
; LoZz: type that in first
!; LoZz: then type ./g_compassshowenemies 1

wow, just wow, not banned, works on a cb config with pb on, insane
thanks for letting even more people know... damn sheep shagger :p
atleast ur being helpful by letting others know about the commands :) now theres surely gonna be less hackers around ;)
The latest Game Violations streaming script removes this possibility by adding the cheat protected cvars to the pbsv.cfg file. Although not a complete fix, as that would require a new patch from IW afaik.
try it on the new GV configs on a good server that can handle pb_sleep 10 and see how fast you get kicked
the only real 'cheat problem' is in CS 1.6
tbh u can find a shitload of good servers without hackers on cod4, yes there are hackers also but certainly not on every server. and there were cheaters in cod2 aswell - they just werent that obvious cause in cod2 you couldnt shoot through the walls.
prolly you just go to random ranked non pam pubs then..

or a full list can be found at
rate 25000
cl_maxpackets 100

snaps doesn't do shit since it resets to whatever the server runs
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