Netlimiter Help #1 :o

I downloaded this software it enables you 2 remotely connect to other pc's on your network and limit etc but that requires an account on their pc.

Is there anyway to simply limit the bandwidth of the pcs connected to my wireless network isee the network manager option but thats like wtf :/

Thanks in advance

ye u have to install netlimiter on the other pc...
lol thats makes the software complete BS because there is no way in hell my brother will let me install it on his pc ^^

EDiT: -.-
tell him its for monitor his pc for bugs or viruses :>
you can also QES through your modem if its from the new generation modem
only old modems that dont have QES need to download netlimiter
coming soon... bams the ninja movie!
NINZJAH WARR1OR??!!?!+1++1?!?!?!+1+1?!?!?!+111+??
remove netlimiter....u r turning into a cheater!

ps.For: 3 months and 2 days
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